Материалдар / Clauses - Linking verbs
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Clauses - Linking verbs

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Clauses - Linking verbs. Бұл тақырып, 8 сыныптарға арналған. Бұл жерде тақырыпқа байланысты тапсырмалар көрсетілген.
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11.11.23 1Clauses - Linking verbs • Sentences can consist of main and subordinate clauses. • Subordinate clauses can be:  

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11.11.23 1Clauses - Linking verbs • Sentences can consist of main and subordinate clauses. • Subordinate clauses can be:   noun clauses: • I know that he'll be a little late.   relative clauses: • Show me the pictures which you took.   adverbial clauses (clauses of time, place, m anner, reason, concession, purpose, result, comparison, condition) • He left early so as not to miss the bus.

11.11.23 2• Relative Clauses • Relative clauses are introduced by : • a) relative pronouns , i.e. who, whom, whose, which or

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11.11.23 2• Relative Clauses • Relative clauses are introduced by : • a) relative pronouns , i.e. who, whom, whose, which or that or • b) relative adverbs i.e. when, where or why. • Relative Pronouns   Subject of the verb of the relative clause (can not be omitted) • Used for people who / that • That's the man who / that stole the money. • Used for things / animals which / that • I read a book which / that was written by Samuel Johnson.

11.11.23 3  Object of the verb of the relative clause ( can be omitted ) • Used for people whom / who / th

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11.11.23 3  Object of the verb of the relative clause ( can be omitted ) • Used for people whom / who / that • The man (who / whom / that) you saw last night was my uncle. • Used for things / animals which / that • The cat ( which / that ) you saw lying on the sofa is my favou ri te one.   Possession ( cannot be omitted) • Used for people whose • That's the girl whose brother is a singer. • Used for things / animals whose / of which • That's the coat the sleeves of which / whose sleeves are made of velvet.

11.11.23 4 Whom, which, whose can be used in expressions of quantity w i th of (some of, many of, half of etc)  She re

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11.11.23 4 Whom, which, whose can be used in expressions of quantity w i th of (some of, many of, half of etc)  She received a lot of postcards. Most of them were from her friends.     She received a lot of postcards, most of which w ere from her friends.  That can be used instead of who , whom or which but it is never used after commas or prepositions . • She's the actress who / that was a w arded first prize. • The man in the corner, who /that is sitting next to Jane, is my uncle. ("that" is not possible.)

11.11.23 5• Relative Adverbs • Time  when (= in/on/at vvhich )   1 982 was the year ( when ) I moved

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11.11.23 5• Relative Adverbs • Time  when (= in/on/at vvhich )     1 982 was the year ( when ) I moved to Wales. • Place  where (= in/at/on/to vvhich )     That's the hotel where we spent our honey - moon. • Reason  why (= for which )     That's the reason ( why ) they were celebrat in g. • Prepositîons in Relative Clauses • We do not normally use prepositions before relative pronouns. • The house in which she lives is in the suburbs . (formal - not usual) • The house which she lives in is in the suburbs. (usual) • The house  she lives in is in the suburbs. (more usual)

11.11.23 6• Fill in: where, whose, who, which, why or when. • Having visited a few countries 1) ... where .... the climate i

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11.11.23 6• Fill in: where, whose, who, which, why or when. • Having visited a few countries 1) ... where .... the climate is different to yours, you will appreciate how important it is to plan carefully before travelling. • Not planning well enough is the reason 2) ............ some holidays can go wrong. • 2) why • A holiday 3) ............ involves a lot of w alking, for example, means you need to go at a time 4) ............ it is neither too hot nor too cold. • 3) w hich – 4) when • It also means you need to plan to go with someone 5 ) ............ enjoys walking and 6) ............ stamina is equal to yours. • 5) w ho – 6) whose

11.11.23 7• A travel companion 7) ............ likes the same things as you is ideal, but it's very difficult to meet someo

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11.11.23 7• A travel companion 7) ............ likes the same things as you is ideal, but it's very difficult to meet someone 8) ............ likes and dislikes are exactly the same as yours. • 7) who – 8) whose • In any case, you need to decide on a holiday 9) ............ suits both of you and a country 10) ............ climate is not uncomfortable for either of you. • 9) Which – 10) whose • Rewrite the sentences in as many ways as possible. 1. That's the zoo where they took the tiger. That's the zoo to which they took the tiger. That's the zoo  they took the tiger to.

11.11.23 82. The place where you went is my home town.   The place to which you went is my home town.   The plac

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11.11.23 82. The place where you went is my home town.     The place to which you went is my home town.     The place  you went to is my town. 3. That's the girl  he gave the present to.     That’s the girl to whom he gave the present.     That’s the girl who he gave the present to. 4. He's the one person on whom she can depend .      He is the one person who / that she can depend on.     He is the one person  she can depend on. 5. This is the park where the village fair is held.     This is the park in which the village fair is held.   This is the park  the village fair is held in.

11.11.23 9• Defining / Non-defining Relative Clauses • A defining relative clause gives necessary information and is essent

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11.11.23 9• Defining / Non-defining Relative Clauses • A defining relative clause gives necessary information and is essential to the meaning of the main clause. It is not put between commas . • People who hunt illegally should be punished. • A non-defining relative clause gives extra information which is not essential to the meaning of the main clause. It is put between commas. • Her mother , who is a kind woman, has helped her a lot. • Note how the commas change the meaning of the sentence. • The players , who were involved in the fight, were sent off the pitch , (all the players were sent off.) • The players who were involved in the fight were sent off the pitch, (only the players who were involved in the fight were sent off)

11.11.23 10• What is the difference between these sentences?   My son , who lives in New York, is an enginer.   My so

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11.11.23 10• What is the difference between these sentences?   My son , who lives in New York, is an enginer.   My son who lives in Manchester is a psychologist. • (My son , who lives in New York , is an enginer. I have only one son. He lives in New York. • ( My son who lives in Manchester is a psychologist..) I have more than one son. One of them lives in Manchester.)   Politicians who tell lies are to be despired.   Politicians , who tell lies, are to be despired. • ( Politicians who tell lies are to be despired. Who tell lies tell us which piliticians are odious.) • (Politicians , who tell lies, are to be despired. The clause who tell lies suggests that all the politicians tell lies. It is not necessary to identify only those that deceive – they all do! )

11.11.23 11  I had a cocktail , which was very unusual.   I had a cocktail that was very unusual. • (I had a cocktail

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11.11.23 11  I had a cocktail , which was very unusual.   I had a cocktail that was very unusual. • (I had a cocktail , which was very unusual. Having a cocktail is very unusual, not the cocktail.) • (I had a cocktail that was very unusual . The unusual thing is the cocktail itself.)   I have met the man I want to marry.   I have met the man that I want to marry. • (There is no difference. That is ommitted in the first sentence.)   I don’t know where to park the car .   I don’t know where I parked the car. • (I don’t know where to park the car . I can’t find a space to park my car.) • (I don’t know where I parked the car. I parked my car somewhere else. I can’t find where.)

11.11.23 12• Fill in the relative pronoun adding commas where necessary. Write (D) for defining, (ND) for non-defining and

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11.11.23 12• Fill in the relative pronoun adding commas where necessary. Write (D) for defining, (ND) for non-defining and whether the relative pronoun can be omitted or not. • 1. That's the man ... who/that ... I was talking about. . D ..omitted • 2. Her school ...................... is very old is closing down. • Her school , which is very old , is closing down. ND not omitted • 3. Have you seen the pencil . ......... .... I bought yesterday? • Have you seen the pencil which / that I bought yesterday? D omitted • 4. Ann e ....... contract expires next week is looking for another job. • Ann , whose contract expires next week , is looking for another job. ND not omitted • 5. This house ............... he inherited from his parents is worth a fortune. • This house , which he inherited from his parents , is worth a fortune. ND not omitted • 6. The company ...................... I set up last year is expanding. • The company which / that I set up last year is expanding. D omitted

11.11.23 13• 7. She is the singer............. latest record reached the top of the charts. • She is the singer whose late

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11.11.23 13• 7. She is the singer............. latest record reached the top of the charts. • She is the singer whose latest record reached the top of the charts. • D not omitted • 8. I've never met anyone before ...................... was quite so rude. • I've never met anyone before who / that was quite so rude. • D not omitted • 9. This jumper........... my grandmother knitted for me is too small. • This jumper , w hich my grandmother knitted for me , is too small. • ND not omitted • 10 . The necklace ...................... I bought in Egypt is very old. • The necklace which / that I bought in Egypt is very old. D omitted • 11 . They are the friends ........... invited us to their daughter's wedding. • They are the friends who / that invited us to their daughter's wedding. D not omitted • 12 . The documentary ...................... I saw last night was very informative. • The documentary which / that I saw last night was very informative. D omitted

11.11.23 14• 13 . Elephants .................. are hunted for ivory are becoming extinct. • Elephants which / that are

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11.11.23 14• 13 . Elephants .................. are hunted for ivory are becoming extinct. • Elephants which / that are hunted for ivory are becoming extinct. D omitted ( also ND) Elephants, which are hunted for ivory , are becoming extinct. • 14 . The girl ........... ...... speaks four languages is in my class. • The girl who /that speaks four languages is in my class. D not omitted • 15 . This is the hospital ...................... was built in 1920. • This is the hospital which / that was built in 1920. D not omitted • 16. The police are looking for a man ...................... car was found abandoned in Newcastle last night. • The police are looking for a man whose car was found abandoned in Newcastle last night . D not omitted

11.11.23 15• 17 . That man ...................... name is Bill stole my purse. • That man , whose name is Bill , stole my

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11.11.23 15• 17 . That man ...................... name is Bill stole my purse. • That man , whose name is Bill , stole my purse. • N D ,not omitted • 18 . She is a person ...................... I shall always be grateful to. • She is a person who / that I shall always be grateful to. D omitted • 19 . He's the man ...................... she's going to marry. • He's the man who / that she's going to marry. D omitted • 20 . This book ...................... is about Vietnam is fascinating. • This book , which is about Vietnam , is fascinating. ND not omittet • 21 . I know few people ......... are as considerate as she is. • I know few people who / that are as considerate as she is . D not omitted

11.11.23 16• 22 . His group .......... is touring Europe is called "Blunt". • His group , which is touring Europe , is c

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11.11.23 16• 22 . His group .......... is touring Europe is called "Blunt". • His group , which is touring Europe , is called "Blunt". ND not omitted • 23 . The woman ........ dog was stolen is offering a reward. • The woman whose dog was stolen is offering a reward. • D not omitted • 24 . I met a really interesting man ............... name I have since forgotten. • I met a really interesting man , whose name I have since forgotten . • ND not omitted • 25 . She's the girl ................ I'm sharing my flat with. • She's the girl who / that I'm sharing my flat with. D omitted • 26 . My team ..... ...... ... won the cup are going to tour America. • My team , which won the cup , are going to tour America. • ND not omitted

11.11.23 17• 27. Macbeth" is a play .. ....... ....... was written by Shakespeare. • Macbeth" is a play which / that was

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11.11.23 17• 27. Macbeth" is a play .. ....... ....... was written by Shakespeare. • Macbeth" is a play which / that was written by Shakespeare. • D not omitted • Use R elatives to combine the following sentences as in the example: • 1. That's the hotel. We stayed there last summer. • That's the hotel where we stayed last summer . • 2 . This is the car. He drives to work in it every day. • This is the car which he drives to work in everyday. • 3. That's the actor. He was in the film you mentioned. • That's the actor who was in the film you mentioned. • 4. She bought a brooch. It once belonged to a duchess. • She bought a brooch which once belonged to a duchess. • 5. That's the house. It was damaged in the earthquake. • That's the house which was damaged in the earthquake. • 6. They met a man. His fortune is believed to be around £3,000,000. • They met a man whose fortune is believed to be around £3,000,000.

11.11.23 18• 7. That's the mansion. The Queen's youngest son lives there. • That's the mansion where t he Queen's young

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11.11.23 18• 7. That's the mansion. The Queen's youngest son lives there. • That's the mansion where t he Queen's youngest son lives there. • 8 . They called a woman. She was a psychic. • They called a woman who was a psychic. • 9. We went back to the cafe. I'd left my purse there. • We went back to the cafe where I'd left my purse there • 10. That's the painting. It is a Picasso masterpiece. • That's the painting which is a Picasso masterpiece

11.11.23 19• In Other Words • That's the town I was born in. • That's the town where I was born . • That's the town which

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11.11.23 19• In Other Words • That's the town I was born in. • That's the town where I was born . • That's the town which I was born in. • I bought a fridge which was faulty. • The fridge I bought was faulty . • That man gave my brother a job. • That's the man who gave my brother a job. • They let us stay, which was kind of them. • It was kind of them to let us stay. • She brought some letters but none of them for me . • She brought some letters, none of which were for me.

11.11.23 201. This is Mr Foster; his son is a famous pianist . 2. This is Mr Foster whose son is a famous pianist. 3.

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11.11.23 201. This is Mr Foster; his son is a famous pianist . 2. This is Mr Foster whose son is a famous pianist. 3. Sunday is the day when she got married . 4. Sunday is the day on which she got married. 5. They arrested six men; two of them are Swiss. 6. They arrested six men, two of whom are Swiss.   Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1. 1 He lost his passport, which was silly of him. • lose It was ... silly of him to lose ... his passport. • 2 That's the hotel we are staying in. • where That's .................. .... staying. • That is the hotel where we are staying.

11.11.23 21• 3 . That woman complained to the manager. • who That's..... ..................... .. to the manager. •

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11.11.23 21• 3 . That woman complained to the manager. • who That's..... ..................... .. to the manager. • That's the woman who complained to the manager. • 4 . We met several people from Portsmouth, but none of them knew Dr Irons. • whom We met several people from Portsmouth, ........ Dr Irons. • We met several people from Portsmouth, none of whom knew Dr Irons . • 5 . The car we rented was very unreliable. • which We............... very unreliable. • We rented a car which was very unreliable. • 6 . Clare Spender is the author; her book became a bestseller overnight. • whose Clare Spender is............. a bestseller overnight. • Clare Spender is the author whose book became a best - seller overnight.

11.11.23 227. We bought a kilo of apples; some of them were bruised. • which We bought a kilo of apples, ..... bruis

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11.11.23 227. We bought a kilo of apples; some of them were bruised. • which We bought a kilo of apples, ..... bruised. • We bought a kilo of apples, some of which were bruised. 8. August is the month when most people take their holidays. • which August ..................... most people take their holidays. • August is the month in which most people take their holidays. 9. She has a class of twenty students; half of them are of Canadian origin. • whom She has a class of twenty students, ............ are of Canadian origin. • She has a class of twenty students, half of whom are of Canadian origin.

11.11.23 2310. Sue tried on some shoes but none of them fitted. • which Sue tried on some shoes, .......... fitted. • Sue

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11.11.23 2310. Sue tried on some shoes but none of them fitted. • which Sue tried on some shoes, .......... fitted. • Sue tried on some shoes, none of which fitted. 11. At the film festival we saw many people; some were famous actors. • whom At the film festival we saw many people, .......... famous actors. • At the film festival we saw many people, some of whom are famous actors.