Материалдар / Colour reading for primary school
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Colour reading for primary school

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Colour reading by Meshcheryakova

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Colour reading by Meshcheryakova

Colour reading helps children to read and immediately understand what they have already known well by ear and actively use

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Colour reading helps children to read and immediately understand what they have already known well by ear and actively use in speech .А ims :

There are 26 English letters, each with up to 12 variants of readings. Converted to colour letters, each with only 1 variant o

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There are 26 English letters, each with up to 12 variants of readings. Converted to colour letters, each with only 1 variant of reading. All letters are read differently depending on their colour and thickness. For example, all yellow letters are read as a neutral sound, all uncolored letters are not read at all. The wider the letter - the longer the sound , the thinner the letter - the shorter the sound .

Further, words and texts are formed from these colour letters, which children are able to read immediately without mistake

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Further, words and texts are formed from these colour letters, which children are able to read immediately without mistakes, since it is simply impossible to read them in another way - each colour letter has one and only reading option.

Children under the age of 9 are taught to read not according to the rules, but by analogy. In texts compiled according to the

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Children under the age of 9 are taught to read not according to the rules, but by analogy. In texts compiled according to the principle of colour reading, all letters are read as they are written. For example, all yellow letters are read as a neutral sound , white letters are not read at all. Red vowels are read as in an open syllable, black - as in a closed one. Red {th} and {s} are read loudly, black - dull, bold {ch} and {sh} stand out as combinations, bold Aa and Oo are read for a long time, etc. Some words are shown in green . The reading of these words is learned in its entirety.

For instance , in the word eagle (e - red ; a - white ; gl - black; e - white ) children immediately notice the combina

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For instance , in the word eagle (e - red ; a - white ; gl - black; e - white ) children immediately notice the combination {ea} and easily remember that the second letter is not readable in it.

One little n o s e to sm e l l what’s sw ee t .

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One  little  n o s e  to  sm e l l  what’s sw ee t .

A b ea r ea ts h o n ey . H e th i nks it's yu m m y . In h i s tum m y ! B u t the b ee s don’t th ink It's funn y

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A b ea r ea ts h o n ey . H e   th i nks it's yu m m y . In h i s tum m y ! B u t the b ee s don’t  th ink It's funn y !!!  

Slowl y , slowl y , ver y slowl y Cr ee ps the lit t le sn ail . Slowl y , Slowl y , ver y slowl y Up the w oo den r ail

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Slowl y , slowl y , ver y  slowl y   Cr ee ps the lit t le sn ail . Slowl y , Slowl y , ver y  slowl y Up the w oo den r ail .  Qu ickl y ,  qu ickl y , ver y   qu ickl y Runs the little mouse.  Qu ickl y ,  qu ickl y , ver y   qu ickl y All around the house.

Conclusion. Thanks to this technique, reading sentences, texts, rhymes in colour turns into a game, children

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Conclusion. Thanks to this technique, reading sentences, texts, rhymes in colour turns into a game, children are fond of the process and can read even unknown words correctly. For children, reading turns from boring process into an interesting game. Everything bright and new always attracts attention and becomes a favourite.