Материалдар / Применение ИКТ технологии на уроках английского языка
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Применение ИКТ технологии на уроках английского языка

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Применение ИКТ технологии на уроках английского языка. для изучения английского языка, требуется правильный подход и интерес учащегося к изучаемому предмету, поэтому нужно применять различные методы и технологий.
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
01 Ақпан 2022
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Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады
Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!

1 слайд

[s] walks, eats, makes, keeps [z] goes, finds, reads, smells [iz] watches, misses, washes, mixes

2 слайд
[s] walks, eats, makes, keeps [z] goes, finds, reads, smells [iz] watches, misses, washes, mixes

The rain is raining all around, It falls on field and tree It rains on the umbrella here And on the ships at sea.

3 слайд
The rain is raining all around, It falls on field and tree It rains on the umbrella here And on the ships at sea.

The rain is raining all around, It falls on field and tree It rains on the umbrella here And on the ships at sea.

4 слайд
The rain is raining all around, It falls on field and tree It rains on the umbrella here And on the ships at sea.

«Present simple & Present Continuous»

5 слайд
«Present simple & Present Continuous»

Lesson objectives : - to compare the present simple and the present continuous ; - to learn time adverbs.

6 слайд
Lesson objectives : - to compare the present simple and the present continuous ; - to learn time adverbs.

My father drives to work . (habits)

7 слайд
My father drives to work . (habits)

(how often things happen)It never snows in the Sahara desert.

8 слайд
(how often things happen)It never snows in the Sahara desert.

(permanent situation)I live in London

9 слайд
(permanent situation)I live in London

(general truths and facts ) Water boils at 100 C.

10 слайд
(general truths and facts ) Water boils at 100 C.

Time adverbs used with the Present Simple: every day every week / month/ year, once/ twice a week/year, usually, often

11 слайд
Time adverbs used with the Present Simple: every day every week / month/ year, once/ twice a week/year, usually, often, etc.

Дважды в неделю я хожу в библиотеку. Twice a week I go to the library.

12 слайд
Дважды в неделю я хожу в библиотеку. Twice a week I go to the library.

Моя мама обычно готовит завтрак. My mum usually cooks breakfast.

13 слайд
Моя мама обычно готовит завтрак. My mum usually cooks breakfast.

My mum usually cooks breakfast. My mum is cooking breakfast now .

14 слайд
My mum usually cooks breakfast. My mum is cooking breakfast now .

It is raining now . (actions in progress at the moment of speaking)

15 слайд
It is raining now . (actions in progress at the moment of speaking)

I am learning to drive. (temporary series of actions)

16 слайд
I am learning to drive. (temporary series of actions)

We are staying at the Grand Hotel. (temporary situations)

17 слайд
We are staying at the Grand Hotel. (temporary situations)

18 слайд

Time expressions used with the Present Continuous: now, at present, these days, for the time being, today, at the momen

19 слайд
Time expressions used with the Present Continuous: now, at present, these days, for the time being, today, at the moment, etc.

В данный момент я делаю домашнюю работу. I am doing my homework at the moment .

20 слайд
В данный момент я делаю домашнюю работу. I am doing my homework at the moment .

Моя сестра выгуливает нашу собаку сейчас. My sister is walking our dog now .

21 слайд
Моя сестра выгуливает нашу собаку сейчас. My sister is walking our dog now .

1 A: Dina, what are you doing here? B: I ___________ (wait) for Kairat now. 2 A: When do you play

22 слайд
1 A: Dina, what are you doing here? B: I ___________ (wait) for Kairat now. 2 A: When do you play basketball? B: Every day, but today it ___________ (rain). 3 A: Ulan sometimes ___________(help) at the animal shelter after school. B: I know. He ___________(want) to become a vet. 4 A: Why are you in a hurry? B: I’m late. My bus _________________(leave) at 10:00. 5 A: Is Alan sleeping? B: No, he ____________________(read) in his bedroom. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1 A: Dina, what are you doing here? B: I ’m waiting for Kairat. 2 A: When do you play basketba

23 слайд
1 A: Dina, what are you doing here? B: I ’m waiting for Kairat. 2 A: When do you play basketball? B: Every day, but today it is raining . 3 A: Ulan sometimes helps at the animal shelter after school. B: I know. He wants to become a vet. 4 A: Why are you in a hurry? B: I’m late. My bus leaves at 10:00. 5 A: Is Ulan sleeping? B: No, he ’s reading in his bedroom.

Jonathan is a famous baker. He's hard-working . He always gets up at three o'clock every night and bakes his

24 слайд
Jonathan is a famous baker. He's hard-working . He always gets up at three o'clock every night and bakes his products. Then he has his breakfast with his wife and opens his bakery. He usually has his favourite pear marmalade for breakfast. He has many customers till afternoon. At noon, he has lunch at home. Today his daily routine is not the same. This is the last day in his bakery. He's going to retire tomorrow. He is going to be in Hawaii with his wife next week. He has already booked his tickets. His son is going to take care of the bakery.Read the text and find 9 verbs in Present Simple and 3 verbs in Present Continuous

Jonathan is a famous baker. He 's hard-working. He always gets up at three o'clock every night and bakes his products.

25 слайд
Jonathan is a famous baker. He 's hard-working. He always gets up at three o'clock every night and bakes his products. Then he has his breakfast with his wife and opens his bakery. He usually has his favourite pear marmalade for breakfast. Today his daily routine is not the same. This is the last day in his bakery. He is going to retire tomorrow. His son is going to take care of the bakery. Now Jonathan is baking his last bread.

how often things happen habits permanent situations general truths and facts general abilities the future in timetables the

26 слайд
how often things happen habits permanent situations general truths and facts general abilities the future in timetables the future in time clauses

Actions in progress at the moment of speaking Definite arrangements and plans for the future Changing situations Annoying hab

27 слайд
Actions in progress at the moment of speaking Definite arrangements and plans for the future Changing situations Annoying habits Temporary series of actions Temporary situations

Time adverbs used with the: • present simple: every day/week/month/year, once/twice a week/year, usually, often, etc. • prese

28 слайд
Time adverbs used with the: • present simple: every day/week/month/year, once/twice a week/year, usually, often, etc. • present continuous: now, at present, these days, for the time being, today, at the moment, etc.

Say or write sentences using these adverbs: now, every day, these days, usually, sometimes, on Mondays, at the moment, n

29 слайд
Say or write sentences using these adverbs: now, every day, these days, usually, sometimes, on Mondays, at the moment, never.

We are having an English lesson now .

30 слайд
We are having an English lesson now .

31 слайд