Материалдар / Space illustrated presentation. Ағылшын тілі. 4-ші сынып.
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Space illustrated presentation. Ағылшын тілі. 4-ші сынып.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
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THE 8TH OF APRIL. CLASS WORK. school 14 Presentation by Nurali

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THE 8TH OF APRIL. CLASS WORK. school 14 Presentation by Nurali

How are you? Answer the question in unison, everyone has different answers. If you are in a good mood, clap once and say "Sup

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How are you? Answer the question in unison, everyone has different answers. If you are in a good mood, clap once and say "Super". WARM-UP 5 minute

I'm reading the definitions of the words, and you have to guess which word it's talking about. LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 1

3 слайд
I'm reading the definitions of the words, and you have to guess which word it's talking about. LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute

It’s a piece of rock that looks like a bright star with a tail Это кусок скалы, похожий на яркую звезду с хвостом LET'S REPE

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It’s a piece of rock that looks like a bright star with a tail Это кусок скалы, похожий на яркую звезду с хвостом LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute

You have to use this when you travel in space Вы должны использовать это, когда путешествуете в космосе LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS

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You have to use this when you travel in space Вы должны использовать это, когда путешествуете в космосе LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute

Astronaut must wear this in space Астронавт должен носить это в космосе LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute

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Astronaut must wear this in space Астронавт должен носить это в космосе LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute

You can use this to look at stars and planets Вы можете использовать это, чтобы наблюдать за звездами и планетами LET'S REPEAT

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You can use this to look at stars and planets Вы можете использовать это, чтобы наблюдать за звездами и планетами LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute

It’s a place where people live and work in space Это место, где люди живут и работают в космосе LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 1

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It’s a place where people live and work in space Это место, где люди живут и работают в космосе LET'S REPEAT THE WORDS PAGE 101, EXERCISE 3 10 minute Sp... sta....


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Let's listen & watch! (click on the title above) A person who travels to space is called AN ASTRONAUT .

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Let's listen & watch! (click on the title above) A person who travels to space is called AN ASTRONAUT .

PLANETS 10 minute

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PLANETS 10 minute

Our galay is called MILKY WAY . like the chocolate bar

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Our galay is called MILKY WAY . like the chocolate bar

Our solar system • The Sun is in the middle of it. • It‘s called solar because of the Sun (Sun = Sol in Latin). • It has eight

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Our solar system • The Sun is in the middle of it. • It‘s called solar because of the Sun (Sun = Sol in Latin). • It has eight planets , 144 moons, a bunch of comets, asteroids and space rocks, ice and several dwarf planets.

EIGHT PLANETS M y V ery E ducated M other J ust S tood U p N oisily. M ercury V enus E arth M ars J upiter S aturn

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EIGHT PLANETS M y V ery E ducated M other J ust S tood U p N oisily. M ercury V enus E arth M ars J upiter S aturn U ranus N eptuneIt‘s always easier to make up a silly sentence to remember things! 

MERCURY is the closest to the Sun.

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MERCURY is the closest to the Sun.

VENUS is the hottest planet in our solar system.

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VENUS is the hottest planet in our solar system.

EARTH has life in all forms. The Moon is Earth‘s natural satellite.

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EARTH has life in all forms. The Moon is Earth‘s natural satellite.

MARS is also called the RED planet (because of reddish dust storms).

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MARS is also called the RED planet (because of reddish dust storms).

JUPITER is the largest planet and has the shortest day (less than 10 hours!).

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JUPITER is the largest planet and has the shortest day (less than 10 hours!).

SATURN has beautiful rings around it (made of dust and ice).

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SATURN has beautiful rings around it (made of dust and ice).

URANUS is very cold (around -224°C).

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URANUS is very cold (around -224°C).

NEPTUNE is also called the „Ice Giant“. Neptune has 14 moons.

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NEPTUNE is also called the „Ice Giant“. Neptune has 14 moons.

DWARF PLANETS are too small to be planets. There are 5 dwarf planets in our solar system. TOO SMALL!

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DWARF PLANETS are too small to be planets. There are 5 dwarf planets in our solar system. TOO SMALL!

Pair work. The pair that scores the most points wins.

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Pair work. The pair that scores the most points wins.

INTERESTING FACTS A bonus task for 10 points per lesson. Try to translate it. • One million Earths could fit inside the sun – a

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INTERESTING FACTS A bonus task for 10 points per lesson. Try to translate it. • One million Earths could fit inside the sun – and the sun is considered an average-size star. • Light from the Sun can reach the Earth in only 8 minutes! This is called the speed of light . • The big bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. •   You can‘t walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune because they have no solid surface! • An asteroid about the size of a car enters Earth’s atmosphere roughly once a year – but it burns up before it reaches us. Phew!

• Внутри Солнца может поместиться миллион планет Земли, а Солнце считается звездой среднего размера. • Солнечный свет может дос

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• Внутри Солнца может поместиться миллион планет Земли, а Солнце считается звездой среднего размера. • Солнечный свет может достичь Земли всего за 8 минут! Это называется скоростью света. • Астрономы объясняют возникновение Вселенной большим взрывом. • Вы не можете ходить по Юпитеру, Сатурну, Урану или Нептуну, потому что у них нет твердой поверхности! • Астероид размером с автомобиль входит в атмосферу Земли примерно раз в год, но он сгорает, прежде чем долететь до нас. Уф!

Let's sing - WE ARE THE PLANETS Game. When watching the video, say all the names of the planets that you will see on the screen

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Let's sing - WE ARE THE PLANETS Game. When watching the video, say all the names of the planets that you will see on the screen in the video in chorus. CLICK !

Present Simple. Past Simple. Present Continuous. Future Simple.

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Present Simple. Past Simple. Present Continuous. Future Simple.

European Space Agency - if you wan t to know more Click on the title!

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European Space Agency - if you wan t to know more Click on the title!

Home task. Listen to music, and write out all the words related to space, translate them, write them down in

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Home task. Listen to music, and write out all the words related to space, translate them, write them down in dictionaries or notebooks. Learn it by heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfHCSrUSock


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