Материалдар / 3 сынып FAMILY AND FRIENDS ҚМЖ 2024-2025(3-4 тоқсан)
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

3 сынып FAMILY AND FRIENDS ҚМЖ 2024-2025(3-4 тоқсан)

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
3 сынып FAMILY AND FRIENDS ҚМЖ 2024-2025(3-4 тоқсан)
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
16 Қырқүйек 2024
0 рет жүктелген
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1900 тг 1710 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short term plan

School №

Lesson 33

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

A story with action verbs.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter; apply basic rules of punctuation (use capital letters, full stops, and question marks).

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to ask questions with can using action verbs;

make short dialogues on the topic;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

1 min.

As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello to you.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

The students greet the teacher and answer the questions.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 2 min.

Warm up.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen to the song and guess the theme of the lesson.

What verb can you hear?

Sts. listen to the song and name a topic of the lesson.


Sts. name a verb and make up sentences with a modal verb can.

Self - Assessment


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher shows Sts. a flashcard and asks a question: Can you run?

A teacher can use a mime to help children to understand.

Active words: run, fly, walk, talk, ride a bike, ride a scooter.

A play: “Guess, what can I do”.

Ask a confident boy and girl to come to the front. She/ he thinks about the activity with action verbs. The rest of the group ask a question: Can you run?

Now we’re are going to speak about your activities?

What activities do you remember?

Look and match. Show the activity.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen, repeat and point.

Ex.1, 2 p.38.

Play a game: Simon says.

Sts. answer: Yes/ No and give a full sentence.

Picture 2

Sts. try to guess the activity asking a question with can.

Can you fly?

Sts. listen and point to the pictures. Then the students listen and chant.

Self - Assessment

Self – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Group – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences in questions.


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary with a modal verb can correctly while speaking.


Run, fly, walk, talk, ride a bike, ride a scooter, walk, run, ride a scooter, talk, ride a bike, fly.


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)





T.B. p.88

Physical training exercise – 2 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look, listen and point.

What is in the picture? Name all objects.

What can Action Boy do?

Use action verbs: fly, ride a scooter….

Ex.3 p.38

A teacher asks Sts. to open their workbooks on p. 38 and do the activities: matching, number.

What can you do?

A teacher asks Sts. to name the activities they can do. Use action verbs of the lesson.

Sts. listen carefully and choose a right answer.

What has Billy got?

Sts. do this exercise in pairs.

Action boy can…...

Can he talk? No!!!!

Sts. do the activities individually.

Sts’ answers:

I cannot fly.

I can ride a bike.

Self – Assessment.

Descriptor: respond to basic questions with single words or short responses;

Pair – assessment

A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary with a modal verb can correctly while speaking.

Sts. Book p.38


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

Workbook p.38


The end of the lesson

2 min.

At the end of the lesson, wave goodbye to the class and say Bye! Goodbye! Write the words on the board and remind children of the meaning. Encourage the children to wave and say Bye! or Goodbye! to you.

Home Assignment:

PB p.38. Ex.1(words).

Ex4(5questions) w.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Tasks for formative assessment: I can ride a bike (True – False).

Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 34

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Talking about ability

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand basic personal questions; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; use can/ can’t to describe ability.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able:

to learn how to talk about ability;

to make short dialogues on the topic;

to write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

I’m fine and You?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.

She sells seashells at the seashore.

Repeat: sh, she, short, shirt;

S, skirt, small, sea.

Name words with a sound: sh/ ch

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends in words.


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to fill in a table: write the words which they have learnt.

Before the task, a teacher asks Sts. to show a card with action verb:

to ride a scooter, to fly, to ride a bike, to talk, to walk, to play football, to play volleyball.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen to the story and act.

Ex.1, 2 p.39

Can +

Can’t =can not (-)

Look and say: bicycle, scooter, helmet, knee pads.

What can you do? A teacher asks questions to Sts.

Mime the activity: to ride a scooter…

Look and write: Ann can ride a horse.

Sts. fill in a table in pairs and write 4 words or word – combinations into each column.

I can

I can’t

Sts. listen to the story and show the action in groups.

Story action (make a story):

Picture 1: Billy moves Action boy quickly to make him run. Uncle waves hello at Action Boy.

Sts’s answers: I can ride a bicycle.

Sts. show the activities to each other.

Sts. do the task in pairs.


Ann can ride a horse.

Lily can’t swim.

They can climb a tree.

My father can drive.

My friends can jump.

The boys can play football.

Tony can’t ride a bike.

The dolphins can’t walk.

Self – Assessment

Pair - assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. Score is 4

Group – assessment.

Group – Assessment/ Pair assessment

Self – assessment

Pair - assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while writing. Score is 8


A table

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


St. Book p.39


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.



Main activities:

15 min.

Look at the poster and name the safe riding tips.

Read the tips and compose your own ones.

Complete the sentences:

Don’t text



A teacher asks Sts. to do Ex.1- 2 p.39 in the workbooks.

Sts. do this exercise individually.

Sts. write tips in groups.

Pay attention to the words: traffic, helmet, knee pads, use a phone.

  1. a helmet and knee pads.

  2. ...and check the traffic.

  3. . or use a cellphone.

Sts. do the tasks: Look and circle, Look and match.

Self – Assessment.

Assessment criteria:

* Read and spell out words;

* Write frequently used words correctly demonstrating their knowledge of the differences between their spelling and pronunciation.



2. Stop

3. Don’t text

Score: 3 use can/ can’t to describe ability.

Sts. Book p.39

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

Workbook: p.39


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts. The lesson is going to its end. I think, you have got much useful information today

Home Assignment:

PB p.39 Ex.4(w).

At the end of the lesson, wave goodbye to the class and say Bye! Goodbye!

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 35

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Things I can do

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; use can/ can’t to describe ability.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able:

to learn how to ask and answer questions with can;

to use verbs in the context of a song;

to write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: they, the, this, that, there, there is, there are.

Read the words: this




Name words with a sound: [d], [f], [ei].

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Ex.1 p.40

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support;


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to fill in a table: write what you can do:









A teacher asks Sts. to draw a table and write what they can do….

teacher asks Sts. to do exercises in a worksheet.

Sts. use a table and make sentences:

I can write.

I can’t draw.

Pair – assessment.

Sts. look, match and say.

Sts. do the exercise individually.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. Score is 5

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Self – Assessment (for a home – assignment)

Self and pair – assessments;

Criteria assessment:

identifying, remembering and sounding out high-frequency sound and letter patterns.



A table

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)



St. Book p.40


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


A song” If you are happy and you know”

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen and sing.

Ex.2 p.40.

What can they do?

Sts. listen and read a song in pairs. make introductions and requests in basic interaction with others.

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: recognise the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends in words;

Self – Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. use short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges

Score: 4

Self – Assessment


St. Book p.40



The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment

PB p.40

Ex.2(sing), Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 36

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends in words; make introductions and requests in basic interaction with others; identify some familiar words and signs on illustrations /pictures in common everyday situations; follow word order rules in short statements.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able:

to learn how to pronounce the words correctly;

to make short dialogues on the topic;

to write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.


Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand in hand

With one another.

Name words with a sound: [h], [g], [t]:

Hot, get, ten.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends in words;


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the board and name words with the letters:

E, f, g, h.

The teacher writes the letters: I, J, K, L and asks Sts. to pronounce them after her/ him.

Listen, point and repeat:

I – ink

J – jam

K – kite

L - lion

Ex.3 p.41. What has a lion got?

Sts. draw the words with the letters:

Egg, fish, goat, hat.

Sts. repeat the letters.

Find the letters in words. Circle them:

Ink, pink, jam, kite, lion.

Sts. repeat and chant a song.

Sts. listen and find the answers. Possible answers:

The lion has got the jam.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self – assessment.

Self / Pair assessment.

Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk

Pay attention to good pronunciation and creativity.

Score 2/2




ST. B. p.41


A chant

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the pictures of letters and match (Capital letter with a short one).

Exercises in a workbook. Ex.2 – 3 p.41

Sts. do the task in pairs.

I J k L

K i j l


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.


Workbook p.41

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment

PB p.41


SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 37

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Everyday activities

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; use common present simple forms contractions on a limited range of familiar topics.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able:

to learn how to ask questions about activities and speak about them;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

to make short dialogues on the topic;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: they, the, this, that, there, there is, there are.

Read the words: this




Name words with a sound: [k], [f], [t].

Sts. give their suggestions.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words with these sounds and letters.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support;


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the cards and say what can people do?

Look and say: What do the children do?

New words: help my mum, do my homework, visit my grandma, go swimming, have a music lesson, watch TV.

Everyday activities - Flash cards


https://wordwall.net › resource › everyday-activities

Listen carefully and choose: True or False

A teacher switches CD.56 and asks the STs. to listen carefully.

There are 4 children: Adil, Alina, Erasyl, Sara.


1.After school I play football (T – F).

2. I like to play football (T – F).


3. I help my mum (T – F).

4.We go to our grandfather (T – F).


5. After school I help my mum and dad.

(T – F).

6. I like English lesson.


7. I go swimming every Monday (T – F).

8. I like skating (T – F).

The teacher asks Sts. to read the text in groups of 4.

everyday activities - Speaking cards


Sts. give their own answers.

Each child is given a card with self – assessment. Sts. put a mark to themselves.

Sts. listen, point and repeat.

Every day: I watch TV.

I help my mum.

Sts. listen and define if a sentence is true or false.










The Sts. read the text and prepare to introduce their characters:

My name is….

I like to do…..

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self - Assessment

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self – Assessment:

Assessment criteria:

understanding with considerable and particularly visual support, some specific information in short, simple texts on familiar topics.


to learn how to ask questions about activities and speak about them.




St. B p.42

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.

to learn how to do the activities and make some movements.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the pictures and words. Put words into a correct order to make a sentence: play, watch, help, do, make, have, chess, TV, my dad, my homework, go, visit, grandma, swimming.

A teacher explains the differences: play – plays, do – does.

I swim

You swim

She/ he/ it swims

We swim

They swim


Sts. do the task in pairs.

Sts. describe the activities.

In groups they repeat days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Sts. do ex. 1, 2 p. 42 in workbooks or worksheets.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.




The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment

PB p.42 Ex.4(w),


SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 38

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Activities I can do and like

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; understand short, simple instructions used in familiar everyday contexts; use common present simple forms contractions on a limited range of familiar topics.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

describe the activities they do and can do;

use Present Simple to make up sentences correctly;

make short dialogues on the topic;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today?

Turn to each other, greet and ask How are you?

The students greet the teacher, then each other.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Look at the picture. What do you think we are going to study?

Do, can, help, watch, have, make.

Phonetic Drill Exercises.


Have, have got, haven’t got, has got, I have got, he has got

Long, short, blond, brown, curly, straight.

Name words with a sound: [f], [ks], [v]:


Fox, ox, box, on, not, hot, dog, top;

Six, fix, mix;

Hair, there, their, here, dear, air, bear.

Sts. give their suggestions.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise the spoken form of familiar words and expressions



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to describe the activities of a girl and a boy.

What do they do every day?

What does she/ he do?


plays football….

A teacher glues/ puts flashcard around the classroom, name the activities of children and asks Sts. to find the cards.

What do children do after school?

Before recording, say what can you see at the pictures:

A book, a bike, a ball, a pool, a violin, a skateboard, ear phones.

Ex.2 p.43

Ex.1 p.43(Listen and tick).

The groups describe the activities.


does a homework…...

Sts. do the task in groups.

Sts. listen and tick(v) or cross(x).

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk

Self/ Pair Assessment


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Score is 5.




3. x/v

4. x/v


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a writing about objects.


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press) p.43.

Teacher’s Book p.57(Transcript)

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the tasks in workbooks or worksheets and do Ex. 1 – 3 p.43.


Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.

Worksheet/ Workbooks p.43


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.43 Ex.3(5sentences).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 39

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Making a calendar

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; create a poster or write a postcard, using words and simple phrases; identify some familiar words and signs on illustrations /pictures in common everyday situations; use words and short simple phrases to complete a written text at a sentence level.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how make a calendar and speak about free time activities;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

practice Present Simple in speech;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look:

A Calendar

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.

Read the words: three




Name words with a sound: [ә:], [f], [dz].

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Calendar! Activities!

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: identify some familiar words and signs on illustrations /pictures in common everyday situations.


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to name the day of the week.

What day is it today?

Name the days with a letter: M, N, S, T, W.

Name the words with sounds: [m], [s], [i], [w], [f], [n], [d].

Each person knows a calendar. You can see days and figures (1 – 31).

What do you do on Monday?

What do you like doing/ to do?

You see the activities and days of the week. Make a calendar. Connect the words to make a sentence.

Ex.1 p.44

Sts. name the days of the week.

Today is Monday.

On Monday I go to the swimming pool.

Sts. complete a table.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Self and pair – assessments;

Criteria assessment:

identifying, remembering and sounding out high-frequency sound and letter patterns.



Workbook “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


A song” If you are happy and you know”

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

Make a calendar with a week after school activities.

At the lesson show the example of 2 days.

Sts. do the task individually or in pairs.

On Monday I have Music lesson.

On Tuesday I go to my grandparents.

On Tuesday I go to my grandparents.

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: create a poster or write a postcard, using words and simple phrases;

Self – Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Score: 5

Self – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.


St. Book p.44


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.44(make a calendar) w.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 40

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Culture. My toys

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; make introductions and requests in basic interaction with others; deduce the meaning of a word in a picture or icon on a limited range of topics; use common adjectives in descriptions of people and things and simple feelings with support.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to describe a toy using active words;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

make and respond to suggestions;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils.

I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look at the pictures of: a bike, a scooter, a teddy bear, roller skates, a ball, skateboard.

Name outdoor toys.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: a, an, and, man, cat, hat, at, Ann

Read the words: name




Name words with a sound: [ei], [t], [m].

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson:

My toys.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support;



Main activities:

19 min.

St. Book Ex.1 p. 45

A teacher asks Sts to listen and follow the text in the books.

What kind of text is it? Is it an advert/ad?

Do you know the word: wheel?

Describe a toy according to the plan:

1.This is/ These are…

2. It is(colour).

3.It has got/ They have got: 2/3/4 wheels or big/ small wheels.

4. It is for 2 children/ for a boy/ for a girl.

A swing:

Sts. listen and follow the text.

Have got/ has got. Sts. give the number of wheels from the pictures: A bike has got 2/3 wheels.

Sts. describe a toy using a plan.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Assessment criteria:

identifying, remembering and sounding out high-frequency sound and letter patterns.

Score: 5

Student Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)




Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen and read.

Let’s write a story.

Good idea!

A teacher firstly explains the rule: Let’s learn.

Open your workbooks and do:

Ex. 1 – 3 p.45.

Sts. do this exercise in pairs:

-Let’s play football.

-Good idea!

Pair - Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

St.B. p.45

CD. 59

W.B./ worksheets


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment

PB p.45

Ex.1(read), Ex.3(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 41

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Describe a toy. Unit assessment 5

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; make introductions and requests in basic interaction with others; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; use words and short simple phrases to complete a written text at a sentence level.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able:

to learn how to talk about outdoor toys;

to make short dialogues on the topic;

to show all taught skills of the unit.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 5 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.


Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand in hand

With one another.

Name words with a sound: [o:], [au], [t]:

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; recognise familiar words with visual support.


Main activities:

10 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to open their copy – books and show their home – assignments.

Look at the pictures and describe one of them.

Use a plan.

Sts. read the homework to each other.

Self – Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.



Main activities:

25 min.

Unit assessment 5.

A teacher explains tasks for unit assessment 5. Sts. do the assessment.

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a home – assignment.

Home Assignment:

Describe a toy(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 42

Term: 3

Unit 5. My free time

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit Review. Project.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; make basic requests related to immediate personal needs; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; use common adjectives in descriptions of people and things and simple feelings with support.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to make a project;

make short dialogues or stories on the topic;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello to you in different languages.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

The students greet the teacher: Hello! Good morning! in different languages.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up:

3 min.

Warm up.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.


Watch a video.

Sts. watch a video and repeat the words and sounds.

Self - Assessment


Main activities:

19 min.

Look at the pictures and say: What can I do?

Sts. do the activities with can – can’t.

Can you run? Can you play football?

Sts. make up sentences with can/ can’t/

Self - Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

3.uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press).


Physical training exercise – 2 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.


Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to read the text and do the tasks.

Read again and write:

1.How many wheels has bike A. got?

2.How many wheels has bike B. got?

Circle the incorrect word:

I. Bike A. has got one wheel.

II. Bike B. is very small.

III. Bike A is pink.

IV. Bike B. The man can’t ride it.

A. Look at this bike. 2 people can ride it. It has got 2 wheels. Mum and dad can sit at the front. It is black.

B. Can you ride a bike with 1 wheel only? This man can. The wheel is very big. It is fun to ride this bike.



II. small

III. pink

IV. can’t

Pair/ Group assessment:



The end of the lesson

4 min.

At the end of the lesson, wave goodbye to the class and say Bye! Goodbye!

Home Assignment:

A project «My Toy».

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 43

Term: 3

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Parts of the body.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices); spell accurately a few high-frequency words.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn the words on the theme and speak about parts of the body;

make short dialogues on the topic using possessive and demonstrative pronouns;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

  • As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello to you in different languages.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

The students greet the teacher: Hello! Good morning! in different languages.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

A teacher asks Sts. To look at the picture and guess the theme of the lesson.

Listen to the song and repeat parts of the body. https://youtu.be/BwHMMZQGFoM

Sts. listen to the teacher and name a topic of the lesson: Body. Parts of the body.

Sts. listen to the song and show their parts of the body.

This is my nose.

Self – Assessment

Assess students based on their participation in discussions, completion of the graphic organizer, and their understanding of the parts of the body.



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen, point and repeat. Ex.1 p.46

Then a teacher asks Sts. to listen and chant.

Name parts of the body and number.

How do we say parts in plural?

Count from 1 to 10.

Sts. repeat the words:

Arms, nose, face, legs, ears, mouth, fingers, hands, eyes, eyebrows, shoulders.

Sts. identify parts of the body in pairs.

I have got 2 ears.

Sts. also count from 1 to 10.

Self - Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

3.uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Group - Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

3.uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.




Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press p.46)


St. Book p.46

Physical training exercise – 2 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.


Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look, listen and point.

Firstly, repeat the words after a teacher:

Sun cream, point, this is, these are, here’s, face, legs, right.

In groups draw a picture of a face and point to all parts of it.

Sts. are asked to do Ex.3. Organise a funny play.

Sts. do this exercise in pairs.

Pair assessment:

Descriptor: identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter;


Descriptor: Respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information.

Self – assessment

Group – assessment:

Sts. Book p.46


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

St. Book p.46



The end of the lesson

4 min.

At the end of the lesson, wave goodbye to the class and say Bye! Goodbye!

Home Assignment:

PB p.46


SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 44

Term: 3

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

This – that, these – those (demonstrative pronounces)

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, and those to indicate things in closed questions with support; create a poster or a postcard, using words and simple phrases.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to write a card on a special day;

make short dialogues on the topic;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Who has got a birthday this month/ season/ week/ today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: they, the, this, that, there, there is, there are.

Read the words: this




Stand up. Sit down. Point to your nose. Touch your ears/ shoulder/ eyes.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words with the sounds.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support.


Main activities:

19 min.

Listen to the story and repeat. Act.

Who can go to the board and write down as many words as you know about parts of the body?

Ex.1 – 2 p.47. How do we form plural form of nouns?

We form plural form with the help of the ending: - s or -es.

How many parts can you see?

Sts. listen and repeat. One by one they go to the board and write the words:

Arm, legs, face…...

Sts. do the tasks in pairs/ groups.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while writing. Score is 5

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Self – Assessment (for a home – assignment)

CD. 62


Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

St. Book p.47

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


A song” If you are happy and you know”

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher explains the rule:

this – that, these – those.

A teacher gives cards to 4 groups and asks them to make up sentences with the structures.

A teacher shows a video and asks Sts. to write the sentences. Underline the demonstrative pronounces.


Ex.3 – 4 p.47. A teacher asks the Sts. to do the tasks orally and individually.

Sts. give examples of the structures.

The group with more right sentences wins a game.

Talk to your friends: point to your shoulders and ask: What are these?

(Sts. revise parts of the body).

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, and those to indicate things in closed questions with support correctly.


St. Book p.47


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.47. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 45

Term: 3.

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Food and drink

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; use singular and plural nouns, including some common irregular plural forms and high-frequency uncountable nouns; use words and short simple phrases to complete a written text at a sentence level.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

to understand a story about food;

apply topic related vocabulary in speech;

create and act out their own dialogues on the topic;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Look at the picture. What do you think we are going to study? The theme of the lesson is Food and drink.

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercises.


Salad, fries, pizza, milkshake, cheese sandwich, chicken.

Name words on the topic “Food” with a sound: [b], [k], [m]:

Bread/ banana

Cake/ cola/ cream

Milk, marmalade

Sts. give their suggestions: Food? Drinks?

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support; understand basic personal questions correctly.



Pictures/ Flashcards.

Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen to the words and repeat, then sing a song.

Listen, point and repeat – Ex.1 p.48

Listen and chant(sing)

The teacher asks Sts. to read a song” Drink your milk” and do.

Pay attention to the words:

Fig, don’t be late for school, Here’s= Here is.

A teacher shows cards with food to Sts. Is it rice? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Sts. listen and point. and make some notes or draw.

Answers: rice, meat, carrots, yogurt, fish, bread, milk, juice, water, hot chocolate, tea.

St. listen and sing. They point to the food when they hear a word.


rice, meat, carrots, yogurt, fish, bread, milk, juice, water, hot chocolate, tea.

Meat, water, rice, carrots, tea, juice, milk, bread, fish, hot chocolate, yogurt.

Listen and repeat:

Rice, meat, carrots, yogurt, fish, bread, milk, juice, water, hot chocolate, tea.

Six children come to the front. A teacher gives each child one of the flashcards from Ex.1.

Each child is given a card with self – assessment. Sts. put a mark to themselves.

Sts/ ask questions to each other showing a flashcard.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self - Assessment

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self – Assessment:

Assessment criteria:

understanding with considerable and particularly visual support, some specific information in short, simple texts on familiar topics.


CD. 64



St. B p.48

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)p.48

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the pictures and words.

Match them correctly:

Read and tick:

A teacher asks Sts. to define:

A teacher asks Sts. to open workbooks or worksheets and do Ex. 1 and 2 p.48.

Circle the food you have at home.

Do not forget the rule: some+ uncountable noun.

Sts. do the task in pairs.

St. do this task in pairs.

Sts. do the task in pairs.

Sts.look at the pictures and tick(v) or cross(x).

I drink milk/tea/ coffee at home.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.

Score is 4.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Pair- Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects




The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.48. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 46

Term: 3

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Phonics. The letters: m, n, o, p.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter; understand short, simple instructions used in familiar everyday contexts; spell accurately a few high-frequency words.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

apply topic related vocabulary in speech making a question and a sentence;

recognise and say the letters and the words with them;

create and act out their own dialogues on the topic;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today?

Is it cold/ sunny/ warm today?

Have you got tea today?

Do you like carrots?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Look at the picture:

Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp.

What do you think we are going to study?

Have you got soup today?

Phonetic Drill Exercises.


Salad, fries, pizza, milkshake, cheese sandwich, chicken.

Name words on the topic “Food” with a sound: [b], [k], [m]:

Bread/ banana

Cake/ cola/ cream

Milk, marmalade

Sts. give their suggestions: new letters.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support.



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen, point and repeat.

Listen, and repeat – Ex.1 p.49

Mm – Mum

Nn – nurse

Oo – orange

Pp – pen.

Listen and chant. Ex. 2 p.49

A teacher asks Sts. to open workbooks/ worksheets and do Ex. 1 – 3 p.49

Sts. listen and repeat.

Each child is given a card. Sts. show the letter and ask name as many words with it.

Sts. sing a song/

Sts. do the tasks in groups.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Pair Assessment – Group assessment

Formative assessment is held through observation/monitoring.

Assessment criteria:

Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately.

Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.


A learner

reads the text for global understanding;

selects meaningful information, constructs the answer;

presents information in the group discussion.

evaluates the peers’ answers.



St. B p.49


Workbook p. 49

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the pictures and words.

Make a dialogue. Ex.3 – 4 p.49

Make a food plate: write what you eat. Speak in groups about a food plate.

A teacher asks Sts. to circle healthy food.

Sts. do the task in pairs.

Yes, he has/ she has

Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t

Sts. fill in a diagram in pairs.

Sts. work in pairs.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

A learner can use: short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges; placing the stress correctly on familiar polysyllabic words.

Pair- Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects

Self – assessment

Pair – assessment

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

St. Book p.47



The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.49. Ex.4(w), cards.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 47

Term: 3

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

My favourite food

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand basic personal questions; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; link ideas with and, but; use common present simple forms and contractions on a limited range of familiar topics.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

identify types of food and explain the preferences;

apply topic related vocabulary in speech and use linking words as but and and;

create and act out their own dialogues on the topic;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Look at the picture. What do you think we are going to study?

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercises.


Meat, rice, fish, apple, bread.

Name words on the topic “Food” with a sound: [m], [p], [f]:

Meat, food, fish

Egg, apple

Juice, water, hot chocolate, milk, tea.

Sts. give their suggestions: Food?

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter.



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. if they go to the café.

What do you eat at the café?

Do you like?

A teacher shows flashcards to Sts. and ask questions.

Listen and point. What is in the menu?

Use linking words: But - And

A Game:

Food I like I dont like - Учебные ресурсы


https://wordwall.net › ru-by › community › i-like-i-dont-...

Ex.2 p.50

Say which foods on the menu you like.

Ex.3 p.50

A teacher shows cards with food to Sts. Is it a tomato? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

A teacher asks Sts. to do the competition task in groups. Find as many words as you can. A winner team get a prize.

Sts. give different answers.

I and my family go to the café. We usually eat: salad, meat or fish, pizza.

I like…. (+)

I don’t like (-).

I like meat but I don’t like fish.

Sts. spin the wheel and say if I like/ don’t like

My favourite food is meat. I like meat and fish.

Sts/ ask questions to each other showing a flashcard.

Sts. do the puzzle game in teams.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Each child is given a card with self – assessment. Sts. put a mark to themselves.




St. B p.50

Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.


Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks St. to put missing numbers and read a word.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the pictures and words. Fill in your Food Plate:

A teacher asks Sts. to fill in their lunch boxes.

Sts. do the task in pairs.

St. do this task in pairs.

Sts. name food in lunch boxes and organise theirs.

Some Sts. want to put:


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Pair- Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects

Self – Assessment

Pair share

At the end of a lesson learners share with their partner:

Three new things they have learnt

What they found easy

What they found difficult

Something they would like to learn in the future.





The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.50. Ex.4(w).

a poster.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 48

Term: 3

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Specific information about favourite food. Unit assessment 6

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; provide simple descriptions of people, and objects; find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices); use words and short simple phrases to complete a written text at a sentence level; use common present simple forms and contractions on a limited range of familiar topics.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about foods.

to show all taught skills of the unit.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 5 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Phonetic Drill Exercise.


Sts. listen to the teacher and the words.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter.


Main activities:

10 min.

Listen, point and repeat:

Sandwich, grapes, ice cream, cherries.

Listen and draw: Ex.2 p.51

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and make up sentences with: I like/ I don’t like.

Self – Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

St. Book p.51



Main activities:

25 min.

Unit assessment 6.

A teacher explains tasks for unit assessment 6. Sts. do the assessment.

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a home – assignment.

Home Assignment:

My favourite food

(a poster).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 49

Term: 3

Unit 6. Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Project: A funny character.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; provide simple descriptions of people, and objects; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; create a poster or a postcard, using words and simple phrases.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

to understand a story about home cooking in Kazakhstan;

apply topic related vocabulary in speech;

create and act out their own dialogues on the topic;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Look at the picture. What do you think we are going to study?

Phonetic Drill Exercises.


Character, big, small, arm, ears,

Name words on the topic “Parts of the body” with a sound: [h], [f], [l]:

Sts. give their suggestions:

A funny character? Food? Salad?

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter.

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Formative assessment is held through observation/






Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to play BINGO game with parts of the body.

Parts of the Body Bingo Vocabulary List:

eye, ear, lips, tooth, teeth, foot, feet, face, head, knee, elbow, wrist, leg, arm, back, hair, ankle, toes, finger, thumb, shoulder, leg, hand, tongue, heel.

Think of a funny character.

Open workbooks and read the example about funny character:

This is my character. It is tall. It has got 2 legs and 2 long arms. It likes apples.

Sts. listen and point. and make some notes or draw.

Sts. make a poster of a funny character.

Sts. do the test in groups/ pairs.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Self – Assessment:

Assessment criteria:

understanding with considerable and particularly visual support, some specific information in short, simple texts on familiar topics.



St. B p.55

Student’s Book “Family and friends 2. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

Workbook p.52

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.




Main activities:

15 min.

Present a funny character. Follow the plan:

  1. This is my….

  2. It is tall/ short

  3. It has got (parts of the body).

  4. It likes/ but; and/It doesn’t like.

  5. It can… (run, fly, dance, ride a bike/ scooter).

Sts. do the task and find words in the sentences.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.

Self - assessment

St. Book p.52

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.52 Ex.3(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 51

Term: 3

Unit 6 Health

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand basic personal questions; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; apply basic rules of punctuation (use capital letters, full stops, and question marks).

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

speak about the activities and food to keep fit;

apply topic related vocabulary in speech;

create and act out their own dialogues on the topic;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson

Watch a video and write down food in it.

Stop at the first few seconds: What does the man like?

Name all the foods he likes.

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercises.


Salad, fries, pizza, milkshake, cheese sandwich, chicken.

Name words on the topic “Food” with a sound: [b], [v], [k]:

Bread/ banana/ broccoli;

Vegetables, veal;

Kola, cake, carrot.

Sts. write down the names of food in a video.


I don’t like food, I love it.

He likes:

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support.





Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to open books and do Ex.1 p.53.

Tick what you can do to be fit.

Do you sing to keep fit?

Do you dance to keep fit?

What foods do you eat to keep fit?

Sts. read the sentences and tick if it is right.

To keep fit

Not to be fit

Sts. make a sandwich/ healthy sandwich.

Tell each other how to make a sandwich.

Self - Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices);

St. Book p.53



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the picture of a calendar and make your own one.

Ex.2 p.53

The second group draw a poster:

My Healthy weekend.


Calendar of activities








Sts. do the task in pairs.


My healthy weekends




The Sts. can write or draw.


Assessment criteria:

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics.

St. Book p.53



The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.53 Ex.2(w.)

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 53

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

A story about a party

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of familiar topics; use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; follow word order rules in short statements; use basic adverbs of place here/there to say where things are.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to speak about the party and identify different party objects;

recognize and use vocabulary to do with the party;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

  • As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello to you.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you? Look through the window? Is it cold today?

The students greet the teacher and answer the questions.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

Today is not cold.


Warm up: 3 min.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

A teacher asks Sts. To look at the picture and guess the theme of the lesson.

Let’s sing a song: Happy Birthday

Sts.look at the pictures and guess the topic of the lesson.


Sts. sing a song and say the month of their birthday.

My birthday is in May and yours?

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk.


Main activities:

17 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to name all the objects at the party.

What have you got at your birthday party?

I like it. My birthday is in December.

Do you like presents?

Look, Listen and Point. (CD.73).

A teacher asks Sts. to read the text in pairs and try to understand all sentences:

Let’s buy presents.

He likes cars.

Are those chocolates?

Let’s put the presents in the living room.

It’s five o’clock in the morning.

Happy Birthday! Thank you for my presents.

Sts. name all the objects at the party.

Draw and name:

Cake, balloon, present, cards, chocolate, masks, juice, flags, flowers.

Do you like your birthday?


Sts. translate the sentences to each other.

Self – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.




Student’s Book “Family and friends 2. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.


Main activities:

18 min.

A teacher asks the Sts. to do some exercises.

Well done. Open the workbooks and do the tasks on p.54. You are given 6 minutes.

What do you like at birthday parties?

Take a list of paper and write one wish: I want my parents to buy me a….

Sts. do the tasks.

Sts. speak about their birthday and present the tasks.

I like presents. I want a new mobile phone.

Self – Assessment.

Descriptor: understand some specific information in short, slow, carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics.

Pair – assessment


Descriptor: Respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information.

Pair - Assessment

Sts. Book p.52


Student’s Book “Family and friends 2. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


The end of the lesson

2 min.

At the end of the lesson, wave goodbye to the class and say Bye! Goodbye!

Home Assignment:

PB p.54. Ex.4(5questions, 5 answers).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 55

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Rooms in the house/flat

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; spell accurately a few high-frequency words; use cardinal numbers 1-10;

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

identify different places in a home;

learn cardinal numbers 1-10 and use them in speech;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?

It’s sunny/ cold/ hot.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look at the pictures.

Where do you live? In a flat or in the house?

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Flat?

House? Rooms?

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a proverb: East or West, Home is Best.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise the spoken form of familiar words and expressions



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the flashcards and define a room.

Is it a kitchen?

Is it a bedroom?

Listen and repeat: kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom.

Sing a song and do.

Ex.2- 3 p.56

New words in a song:

Upstairs, downstairs, follow me, go through, door.

Count from 1 to 10 and say: How many rooms have you got in the house?

Sts. speak about the number of rooms.

Look and say: What is it: a garden, toilet, computer room.

Sts. listen to the words and repeat the words after the teacher.

We have got…...

I have got a big house: 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 2 kitchens.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. Score:

Group - assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Criteria assessment:

identifying, remembering and sounding out high-frequency sound and letter patterns.

CD. 74


St. Book p.56

A song: Come into my house.


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

Watch a video about a typical English house and try to remember as many words as you can.


A teacher asks Sts. to do ex. in workbooks or printed worksheeds.

Sts. do the task individually.

They write the words and do the crosswords.

Sts. read about Homes in Britain.

Sts. number the pictures and circle family words.

Pair - Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Pair – assessment

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Formative assessment is held through observation/





Teacher’s B. p.70

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.56. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.



Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 56

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Phonics. The letters: q, r, s, t, u.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter; spell accurately a few high-frequency words.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

identify, remember and sound out high-frequency sound and letter patterns with q, r, s, t, u.;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

apply short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello or Good morning/ Good afternoon to you.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look:

q, r, s, t, u.

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.


Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Letters: Q, R, S, T, U!

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a song.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support;



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher explains that a letter Uu gives 2 sounds:

You have a list of words. Read and put them/ write into a correct column:



Ex.1 p.57

Listen, point and repeat: queen, rabbit, sofa, teddy, umbrella.

Ex.2. Listen and chant

Listen to the sounds and join the letters.

Ex.3 p.57

Sts. read and put in a column.

Sts. repeat and read the words correctly.

Sts. listen and write down the words in groups.

e.g. swim, fin, fish….

Sts. do the task individually. Pay attention to pronunciation of words.

Sts. do the tasks in pairs or individually.

Self – Assessment/ Pair Assessment


A learner:

  • identifying, remembering and sounding out high-frequency sound and letter patterns;

Self - assessment

Group - Assessment

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.


A table

Student Book

Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


CD. 76

CD. 77


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.


Main activities:

15 min.

A play: “Bingo”

A teacher asks Sts. to find and name the words with letters.

Sts. try to have as many words with a letters: Q, R, S, T, U and their sounds.

Sts. do the task in groups.

Sts. sit in front of computers, switch on the internet and play games connected with a letter T (U, Q, R).

Sts. find the letter and words in pairs.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Group Work

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.



The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:


PB p.57. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 57

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Where family members are.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; use basic adverbs of place here/there to say where things are; use basic prepositions of place.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

understand with considerable and particularly visual support, some specific information in short, simple texts on familiar topics;

apply short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello or Good morning/ Good afternoon to you.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 7 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look:

Before class prepare four pieces of paper with the following written on:

Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand in hands with one another.

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Family members.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of familiar topics correctly.



Main activities:

15 min.

Play "Location of family members Word Association Draw"

Divide the class into teams (of 3 or 4 students). Give each team one pen and lots small pieces of colored paper (e.g. Team A has only red paper, Team B has only blue paper, etc.). This is very important as you will be giving scores to each team based on the number of pictures they have drawn.

Sts. write associations with a room.

Kitchen: cups, plates, fruit, foods.

Bathroom: Bath, towel, shower.

Living room: a sofa, TV, books, a table.

3. Where is a father?

Group - Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.


Student Book

Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

Sing "Finger Family song"
Before class, print off the 
song poster. Put the song poster on the board and elicit the activities on it. Then get everyone to stand up and follow you doing the actions and singing. (Play the song through 2 or 3 times).

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song. They see lyrics on the screen.




Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to point to 3 family members on p.58 Ex.1.

Listen – Point – Repeat


The teacher asks Sts. to open their books on p.58 and listen to the text.

While listening, fill in a table:

Where are they?






Ex. 2 – 3 p.58.

Write the family number.

A teacher asks Sts. to do Ex.1 p.58 I their workbooks.

Sts. try to look at the pictures and repeat the sentences.

Sts. do the task in groups/ pairs.

Sts. listen and point.

Singular form - is.

Plural form – are.

Rosy is in the kitchen.

Mum is

Grandpa is

Billy is

Mother and father are….

Group – Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.





St. Book p.56

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.58. Ex.3(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 58

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

My house/ flat.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; understand short, simple instructions used in familiar everyday contexts; use cardinal numbers 1-10; 11 - 20; 21 – 100.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to describe and talk about the house or flat;

learn to count the rooms, objects using there is/ there are;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? What is the weather today? Is it hot/ rainy/ sunny?

What season is it now?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?

It’s sunny/ cold/ hot.


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look at this question:

How many rooms are there in your flat?

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Sts. name the theme and explain the usage of:

There is/ there are. season and months of this season.

Sts. repeat the words of the poem. They underline all the words they know

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support correctly; understand basic personal questions.



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to open the books on p.59 and do the tasks. Ex.1.

Listen and number.

A girl is talking about her rooms in the house. Look and say: What rooms can you see?

Upstairs – наверху;

Downstairs – внизу.

Make up sentences with there is/ there are.

Sts. listen to the text and make some notes (number the rooms).


1. bedroom

2. bathroom

3. kitchen

4. living room

5. dining room

Sts. work in pairs or groups. They are given cards with the information about 3 children, make a short dialogues.

Sts. do the task in pairs.

Ex.2 p.59

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. Score: 5

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Criteria assessment:

considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

CD. 80

St. Book p.59



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.


Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to do the exercises.

Describe your flat or a house.

Let’s revise figures from 1 – 10, 10 – 20.

A game: Guess a figure.

A teacher asks Sts. to speak about their house. Workbook p.59

Sts. match the pictures.

Sts. guess figures.

Let's play Guess the Number! The game picks a number. You make a guess. The game tells you if its number is more or less. Keep guessing to find that number! Guess in as few tries as you can. You might see a surprise! What will it be?

Sts. draw a house with rooms and describe it.

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: respond to basic supported questions giving

personal and factual information

Self – Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Self – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Pair - assessment




Teacher’s B. p.73

Number guessing game

GitHub Pages

https://mdn.github.io › numb...

Workbook p.59

Word cloud

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.59. Ex.3(w).

Project: My house.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Tasks for formative assessments:

Вставьте: There is, there are, are there or Is there.

1) _____________ a big kitchen in my flat

2) __________ two bedrooms in my house.

3) _____________ a bookcase in your room?

4) _____________ a chair, a desk and a wardrobe by the window.

5) _____________ three floors in your house?

6) _____________ a living room and a dining room in my flat.

7) _____________ five chairs at the table.

8) _____________a bookshelf on the wall?

9) _____________many boxes under the table?

10) _____________a bed and a wardrobe between the chairs.

11) _____________a new carpet on the floor?

12) _____________a new carpet and an old carpet on the floor.

Вставьте: There is, there are, are there or Is there.

1) _____________ a big kitchen in my flat

2) __________ two bedrooms in my house.

3) _____________ a bookcase in your room?

4) _____________ a chair, a desk and a wardrobe by the window.

5) _____________ three floors in your house?

6) _____________ a living room and a dining room in my flat.

7) _____________ five chairs at the table.

8) _____________a bookshelf on the wall?

9) _____________many boxes under the table?

10) _____________a bed and a wardrobe between the chairs.

11) _____________a new carpet on the floor?

12) _____________a new carpet and an old carpet on the floor.

Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 59

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Places in the city

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices); use has got/ have got; there is/are in a limited range of familiar topics; use basic adverbs of place here/there to say where things are.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to describe places in the city and speak about its locations;

make short dialogues on the topic;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them using there is/ there are;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look:

What cities can you see? Prove your ideas.

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: City!

Places in the city!

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Formative assessment is held through observation/



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher shows flashcards of the places in the city and asks Sts. to name them.

Which of you can remember more places?

A teacher asks Sts. to make a book or a cluster about the city and its places.

What are these places?

Is it Medeo? Is it our school?

Guess a place. A game.

Sts. name the places in the city: airport, cinema, park, library…..

Sts. do it in groups.

A book about Almaty:

Sts. play a game.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Self – Assessment or pair – assessment



Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

Do exercises in a workbook p.60.

A teacher asks Sts. to choose a theme and speak about it. The winner gets a prize.

My city.

The place I live in.

My favourite places to see.

What can you find you in the city and the countryside? Write the words in the correct group:



a museum/ fields/ a farm/ an art gallery/

a stadium/ a shopping centre/ a forest/ animals/airport/ market/ park/ cafe.

Sts. look at the pictures and speak about the topic.

My city is a home for my family. I live with my parents in the city. My city has good places to see: shops, parks, cafes, hospitals, cinemas. I love my city!

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: respond to basic supported questions giving

personal and factual information

Self – Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking;

uses short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.


Two stars and a wish.

You did a really good job on ...

I really like how you …

Maybe you could ...



The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.60. Ex.3(w) a dialogue.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 60

Term: 4

Unit 7. Buildings

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Buildings in our city. Unit assessment 7.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; use isolated words and basic expressions to provide personal information; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; create a poster or write a postcard, using words and simple phrases.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

identify some specific information in short, simple texts on familiar topics;

apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

to show all taught skills of the unit.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 5 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look at the pictures.

London, Big Ben, Parliament, bus, river, library. It is very old – 2000 years old.

Sts. listen to the teacher and the words.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

This is London!!!

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support correctly.


Main activities:

10 min.

Open your books and do Ex.1,2 p.61

It is Oxford.

Sts. read the words and number the pictures.

Self – Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

St. Book p.61

Main activities:

25 min.

Unit assessment 7.

A teacher explains tasks for unit assessment 7. Sts. do the assessment.

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a home – assignment.

Home Assignment:

Places in the city/town (a map) w.

SS write their homework for the next lesson.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 61

Term: 4

Unit 8. My holidays (8 hours)

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Meeting people at a train station

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices); follow word order rules in short statements; use basic prepositions of time.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

demonstrate understanding of a story about meeting people;

respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information;

to make short dialogues on the topic;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

  • As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello to you.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

Look through the window? Is it cold today?

The students greet the teacher and answer the questions.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

Today is not cold.


Warm up: 3 min.

Warm up.

Phonetic Drill Exercise.

A teacher asks Sts. To look at the picture and guess the theme of the lesson.


Sts. Look at the pictures and guess the topic of the lesson.

Train station? Meeting people?

At the station we can meet a lot of people/ many people.

Self – Assessment

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language?

Could they express which skills they had developed?

Formative assessment is held through observation/


Main activities:

17 min.

A teacher shows Sts. a flashcard and pronounces:

Long, short, blond, brown, curly, straight.

Listen and chant:

Long. Long, long

Short, short, short

Blond, blond, blond

Curly, curly, curly

Straight, straight, straight.

A teacher uses Story poster 8 to present the story. Talk about each frame and encourage predictions.

A teacher asks Sts. to open the books and listen to the story. While listening, Sts. take pencils and underline new words.

Give English equivalent to:

1.Бабушка, сколько время?

2. Смотри, вот поезд!

3.Об нет. Много людей!

4. Мы вас не видим.

5. Во что вы надеты?

6. Вот они.

7. Здравствуйте, добро пожаловать!

Do you like meeting people?

You visit a train station, don’t you? Yes/ no.

Look at the list and choose a right transport

Sts. listen and repeat, trying to guess the flashcards.

Optional activity:

  • Six children come to the front. A teacher gives one of the flashcards to each child (Ex.1);

  • Play the chant again. The children at the front stamp their feet when their card is mentioned.

  • Repeat with different Sts. and actions.

Sts. read the frames and guess the situation.

Sts. listen, read and underline new words.

Sts. work in pairs. They find sentences in the text.

Sts. answer the question differently.

Sts. know all words. Firstly, they read the words and then write them into a correct place.

1 bus, 2. bike….

Self – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

1. Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

2.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

Pair work.


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Self - Assessment

Pair - assessment




Student’s Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


Teacher’s B. p.76




Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises.


Main activities:

18 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen and be able to answer the questions in the text: Ex.3 p.62

1.What time is it?

2. Where are our new friends?

3. Can they see them?

4. What about his hair?

5. Are the holidays good?

Open your workbooks on p.62(Worksheet) and do ex.1 - 3.

Look and do the sums.

Sts. listen carefully and answer the questions in cards?

1. 4 o’clock

2. at the train station

3. No, they can’t

4. long and brown

5. Yes

Sts. easily define words and pictures.

Sts. do the sums in groups of 3.

They think seriously doing sums.

Self – Assessment.

Descriptor: contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of familiar topics.

Pair – assessment


Descriptor: Respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information.

Pair – Assessment/ Self – assessment

Group work

Sts. Book p.62


Student’s Book “Family and friends 2. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

Workbook “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press) p.62


The end of the lesson

2 min.

At the end of the lesson, wave goodbye to the class and say Bye! Goodbye!

Home Assignment:

PB p.62. Ex.4(w).

(5questions, 5 answers).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 62

Term: 4

Unit 8. My holidays

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Description of people

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; use common adjectives in descriptions of people and things and simple feelings with support.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to describe people using has got/ hasn’t got;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them to make a story;

to express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

How to describe people!

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: People!

Sts. give words on the theme.

Adjectives to describe people.

Students find flashcards around the classroom.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support.

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language?

Could they express which skills they had developed?



Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to listen to the story and say the words about people in a poster 8.

Story actions:

Picture 1: Rosy holds up a photo. Tim looks at it.

Picture 2: Tim looks around.

Picture 3: Grandma looks around. She and a friend talk on the phone.

Picture 4: The children point and wave at each other. The children mime laughing.

How can you describe people?

We use a structure: have got/ has got.

We use adjectives.

Look at each other and describe your partner using a structure.

Sts. listen and then act a story in groups of 4.

Ex.2 p.63 Look and say.

He’s got (He has got) short hair. He hasn’t got straight hair.

Sts. use positive and negative forms of a structure: has got/ hasn’t got.

This is my friend/ partner. He /She has got long black hair. It is straight. She hasn’t got curly hair.

The best story got a prize

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly.

Formative assessment is held through observation/


Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

uses common adjectives in descriptions of people and things and simple feelings with support correctly.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.



Student Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises https://youtu.be/YxiY3JS880U

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.


Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to open their workbooks and do the exercises Ex.1 -2 individually. The quickest and the best student/students will get a prize.

Sts. do the tasks attentively. They present pictures to the class.

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: respond to basic questions with single words or short responses correctly.

St. Book p.63


Workbook p.63

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.63. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.



Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 63

Term: 4

Unit 8. My Holidays

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Types of transport

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of familiar topics; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find out the main points in short simple descriptions with visual support; use interrogative pronouns who, what, where, how, and when to ask basic questions.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn and identify types of transport;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

apply numbers and prepositions to tell the time;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look:


When you hear this word, what associations have you got?

Name kinds of transport:

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: plane, train, helicopter, taxi, tram, bus, car, lorry.

Read the words: hair




Name words with a sound: [ә:], [f], [p].

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Transport!

Sts. give words on the theme.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Sts. do Ex.1

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: identify some familiar words and signs on illustrations/pictures in common everyday situations.


Word cloud


Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks questions to Sts. about a transport:

Has Almaty you got taxis?

Have you got a car?

What transport do you go to school?

Open your books, page 62-4. Ex. 2 - 3: Listen and sing and then sing and do.

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the picture and say how many people/ transport/ clocks they can see.

In the song you can see 4 clocks. What time is it?

15.00 – It’s three o’clock.

15.15 – It’s a quarter past three.

Quarter = 15 minutes

15.30 – It’s half past three.

Half = 30 minutes

15.45 – It’s a quarter to four.

Describe trains. What colour are they?

Sts. answer the questions.

I go to school by bus.

Sts. look at the song, listen and repeat.

I can see many people.

Sts. read the texts and describe trains.

They try to understand the time.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. Score is 5.

Descriptor: deduce the meaning of a word in a picture or icon on a limited range of topics

infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using contextual clues from images.


Student Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.


Main activities:

15 min.

Look at the clocks and say the time. Use:

Half past (половина после)

Quarter past (четверть т.е. 15 минут после)

Quarter to (четверть т.е. 15 минут до)


Read the text and do the tasks in groups:

Additional tasks may be taken from Workbooks p.64: write the numbers and say the time.

Sts. do the task in pairs.

It’s nine o’clock. It’s half past two/ two thirty.

Sts. read individually.

Sts. read the text and draw a cluster or a mind – map:

Name: ___________

Age: _____________



Holiday: ______________






Pair - Assessment



A learner:

uses short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges.

Self – Assessment

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson.

Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Formative assessment is held through observation/



St. Book p.64



Workbook p.64

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.64. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson. Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 64

Term: 4

Unit 8. My holidays

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Phonics. The letters: v, w, x, y, z.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise familiar words with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter; spell accurately a few high-frequency words.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

identify, remember and sound out high-frequency sound and letter patterns;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

apply short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

As children come into the class, say Hello. Encourage them to say Hello or Good morning/ Good afternoon to you.

Begin the lesson with some greetings. Ask and answer How are you?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. She/ He asks Sts. to sing ABC song.

Pay attention to the letters:

V, W, X, Y, Z.

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Letters.


Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat the words after the teacher.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: recognise familiar words with visual support.




Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher explains the sounds of the letters and says that the letter Yy is unusual.

[wai] [ai]






Ex.1 p.65

Listen, point and write:

Van, window, box, yo – yo, zebra. Listen and chant the ABC.

Sts. read and put in a column.

Sts. repeat and read the words correctly.

Self – Assessment/ Pair Assessment


A learner:

  • identifying, remembering and sounding out high-frequency sound and letter patterns;

Self - assessment

Group - Assessment


A learner

Uses and follows with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.


A table

Student Book

Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)



Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.


Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to work with letters.

The Teacher asks Sts. to open the workbooks and do Ex.1 – 3 p.65

Sts. try to match the words correctly.

Pair work

Sts. sit in front of computers, switch on the internet and play games connected with letters.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: identify and read separate sounds (phonemes) within words, which may be represented by more than one letter.

Group Work

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Workbook p.65

St. Book p.65


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.65. Ex.4(w).


SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 65

Term: 4

Unit 8. My Holidays

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

At the airport. Unit assessment 8

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices); spell accurately a few high-frequency words; use basic prepositions of place.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

identify some specific information in short, simple texts on familiar topics;

apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about an airport;

show all taught skills of the unit.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Thanks. Take your seats.

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning dear, teacher

We are glad to see you too.


Warm up: 5 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Look at the picture. What is it?

Firstly, we’ll speak about airport and then you’ll write a summative assessment for Unit 8.

Do you travel by plane?

What can you see at the airport?

Read a poem and find words of transport.

Sts. listen to the teacher, look at the picture and guess the topic of the lesson.

It’s an airport.

Sts. answer differently.

At the airport we can see planes, people, cars, things, bags.

Sts. read a poem in pairs and find words of transport: buses, cars, taxis, plane, train.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: respond to basic questions with single words or short responses.

Pair - Assessment


A picture


Main activities:

10 min.

Listen and read the text:

Ex.2 p.66

A teacher asks Sts. to read paragraphs and show pictures describing the episodes.

Find opposites(antonyms) in the song.

Ex.3 p.66(choose a right word).

Sts. read the text and try to understand the main facts.

Sts. underline opposites:

Come – go

Short – tall

Adults – children

Long – short

Go up – go down

Are not moving – turn around

Self – Assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences as a support in reading familiar topics;

Apply basic words, phrases and short sentences in a talk or writing about objects.

St. Book p.66


Main activities:

25 min.

Unit assessment 8.

A teacher explains tasks for unit assessment 8. Sts. do the assessment.

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a home – assignment.

Home Assignment:

PB p.66. Ex.4(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 66

Term: 4

Unit 8. My Holidays

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Describe a vehicle. Project.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support; make basic requests related to immediate personal needs; read short, illustrated fiction and non-fiction stories written in very simple language using a dictionary; create a poster or write a postcard, using words and simple phrases.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to describe a type of transport;

understand detailed information from the dialogues while listening.

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

express personal attitude toward a topic discussing a topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

One, two, what must I do?

You must jump,

You must play

You must do it every day.

Can you ride a bike?

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Bike!

Sts. give words on the theme.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a poem.

Then the Sts. sing the song: I can do anything!

Sts. tells each other about what they can do.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support.

Observe learners when participating in use of English activities.

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson.

Could they express what they had learned about content and language?

Could they express which skills they had developed?

Formative assessment is held through observation/




Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks questions to Sts. about a bike:

Have you got a bike?

Can you ride a bike?

Is your bike big?

Look at the bike:

How many wheels can you see?

Wheel колесо

What colour is it?

Can you ride this bike?

Open your books and do Ex.1 p.67

Listen and read. Then listen and play a game.

Guess a transport.

Sts. answer the questions.

Sts. describe a bike.

St. look at the picture and answer a question.

Look at my bike. It’s red and black. It has got four wheels. I like to ride a bike. I can ride a bike very well!

Sts. do this activity in pairs.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking. Score is

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

A photo of a bike

Student Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)


CD. 91

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.

Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.


Main activities:

15 min.

Look and say how many people can you see?

Read the text and do a short test:

Do you know how to ride a bike?

Workbook p.68 Ex.1 – 2 or Ex.1 – 3 p.68 St. Book

Sts. do the task in pairs (Who is the first?)

Sts. read the text and answer the questions:




Sts. read a rule and say if they wear helmets.

When I ride a bike, I wear a helmet.

Sts. draw pictures and describe a transport.

Pair - Assessment

Descriptor: respond to basic questions with single words or short responses; make basic requests related to immediate personal needs.

Pair – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Score: 3

They have to understand every detail of the text.

Self – Assessment


A learner: find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices);


St. B. p.67



St. Book p.68

Work B. p.68

The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

Describe your vehicle(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Short term plan

School № ___

Lesson 68

Term: 4

Unit 8. My Holidays

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

A helping hand. Units 5 – 8 Review.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of familiar topics; make basic requests related to immediate personal needs; find specific information in different types of texts (postcards, posters, flyers, messages, and notices: places, time, and prices); create a poster or write a postcard, using words and simple phrases.

Lesson objectives

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

learn how to describe things, friends, help about the house;

write familiar words correctly and make sentences with them;

apply topic related vocabulary in speech fluently;

create their own dialogues on the topic.

Lesson procedure:

Stages of the lesson/ Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


Resources/ materials


Organisation moment.

2 min.

Good morning, dear pupils. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

The students greet the teacher.

Good morning, good morning to you,

We are glad to see you too.

How are you?


Warm up: 3 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Look:

When you hear this word, what associations have you got?

Warm up. Phonetic Drill Exercise.

Repeat: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.

Read the words: hair




Name words with a sound: [ә:], [f], [p].

Sts. guess the theme of the lesson: Help

Sts. give words on the theme.

Sts. listen to the teacher and repeat a tongue twister.

Sts. repeat the words after the teacher and name the words.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: understand simple descriptions of people, actions, and objects with visual support.


Word cloud

Main activities:

19 min.

A teacher asks questions to Sts. about a friend:

Have you got a friend?

What is his/ her name?

Has your friend got a sister/ brother?

A teacher asks Sts. to look at the picture and say how many friends they can see.

Choose one friend and describe him/ her.


1.I have got a friend.

2. Her name is…

3. She is from….

4. She is a student of school #

5. She is wearing….

6. Her hair is and….

Open your books and do Ex.1 – 2 p.69.

Repeat a structure: have got/ has got and action verbs.

Let’s revise vocabulary and sounds.

Ex.1 – 4 p.68

Sts. answer the questions and give a short description of a friend.

Sts. Look at the picture and answer a question.

I can see seven friends.

Sts. describe one person.

Sts.look and match.

St. define the right letters and sounds and read the words.

Self – Assessment


A learner:

  • Demonstrate an ability to organize and express ideas clearly;

  • uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Self – Assessment

Descriptor: A learner

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

Give a sticker for a right answer to encourage Sts.

Pair – assessment

Sts. do self – evaluation doing

A photo of a friend

Student Book “Family and friends 3. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press)

p.68 – p.69

St. Book p.69

St. Book p.68

Physical training exercise – 3 min.

A break for physical activity.

Teacher plays the video with physical exercises.


Students watch and do physical exercises and sing a song.



Main activities:

15 min.

A teacher asks Sts. to make / draw a plate of food.

A teacher gives stickers to students.

A teacher asks Sts. to read dialogues and make their own ones.

If there is time at the lesson, a teacher can ask Sts. to open workbooks on p.69 and do some tasks in it.

Sts. do the tasks in pairs.

St. read the dialogues in pairs and make their ones.

Pair - Assessment


A learner:

uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking;

uses short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges.

Self – Assessment

Assessment criteria:

Use and follow with considerable support simple words, phrases, sentences in reading familiar topics.

St. Book p.69

St. Book p.69


The end of the lesson

3 min.

Teacher gives a homework and comment the work of Sts.

Home Assignment:

PB p.71.

Ex.1 - 3(w).

SS write their homework for the next lesson.

Sts. give a mark to themselves for working at the lesson.

Pupils evaluate themselves using evaluation lists.


Self- Assessment.


Picture 3

Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!