Материалдар / 7-сынып оқушылар үшін ағылшын тілінен олимпиада тапсырмалары
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7-сынып оқушылар үшін ағылшын тілінен олимпиада тапсырмалары

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
7-сынып оқушылар үшін ағылшын тілінен олимпиада тапсырмалары
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
15 Ақпан 2024
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700 тг 630 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

7th grade
Questions 1-15 [1 point for the correct answer]
1. Choose the correct answer:
Where ___ your brothers right now? Do you know?
a) Are
b) Is
c) Am
d) Do
e) Was
2. Choose the correct answer:
Look, Dana and Arthur__________ tennis, do you see them over there?
a) Play
b) Are playing
c) Played
d) Has played
e) Was playing
3. Choose one correct noun in plural form:
a) Oxen
b) Disease
c) Foots
d) Chalk
e) Invention
4. Fill in with suitable word: I saw you in the party, you had so ____ dress, you looked so beautiful!
a) Spacious
b) Filthy
c) Slow
d) Trendy
e) Ugly
5. Choose the correct answer:
When Chingiz was 5 years old, he ____ swim well.
a) Can
b) Could
c) Must
d) Have to
e) Will
6. Give the synonym for the word “meaningful”:
a) Glamorous
b) Important
c) Humble
d) Modest
e) Beautiful
7. Choose one correct interrogative sentence:
a) Sam likes dancing every day.
b) Have you seen James?
c) Nobody wants to eat.
d) We will see each other tomorrow.
e) Look! They are dancing.
8. Choose one correct sentence in Past Simple Tense:
a) He never tells the truth.
b) I have never been to London.

c) Mozart composed over 600 masterpieces.
d) What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday?
e) I am having lunch right now, do not disturb me.
9. Choose the correct answer:
I know English well, but I know it ____ than Kazakh language.
a) Good
b) Bad
c) Worse
d) Worst
e) Best
10. Choose the correct answer:
When I ____ home yesterday, Dana ______.
a) Come/were sleeping
b) Was coming/ was sleeping
c) Came/ was sleeping
d) Were coming/ slept
e) Came/ were sleeping
11. How many administrative parts does the UK consist of?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) 6
12. Choose the correct answer:
Yesterday from 5 till 7 o’clock, Alibek _____ his homework.
a) Was doing
b) Done
c) Have done
d) Did
e) Is doing
13. Choose the correct preposition: My birthday is ___ summer. It’s on 19 th of July!
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) For
e) To
14. The name of famous river which flows through London:
a) Amazon
b) Thames
c) Arkanzas
d) Ouse
e) Missouri
15. Choose one correct time expression that indicates Present Perfect Tense:
a) Ago
b) At the moment
c) Yesterday
d) Recently
e) Seldom
Questions 16-25 [2 point for the correct answer]
16. Define the word “slave”:








a) A person who has no personal freedom
b) A person who likes walking
c) A person who works in a big company
d) A person who speaks a lot
e) A person who is always busy
Where is Buckingham Palace located in?
a) New York City
b) Melbourne
c) Dublin
d) London
e) Manchester
Choose the correct answer:
Sam _____ three cups of coffee today, but it’s only nine o’clock!
a) Has drunk
b) Drunk
c) Is drinking
d) Was drinking
e) Drinks
Choose the correct answer:
I saw a boy yesterday. ____ boy was very tall!
a) A
b) An
c) The
d) Some
e) None
Give the synonym “take care”:
a) Look in
b) Look up
c) Look after
d) Look out
e) Look for
Choose the correct answer:
If I____ a lot of money, I ____ a house for Alibek and Adel.
a) Will have/ buy
b) Will have/ will buy
c) Have/ will buy
d) Would have/ will buy
e) Would have/ bought
Yesterday, when I came home from school, I found that there were six chocolate bars in the table,
later I wanted to eat, and took two of them, for me and my brother, after that my father brought
three with him from work and put them on the table again. How many chocolate bars are on the
table right now?
a) 6
b) 7
c) 2
d) 4
e) 8
Choose suffix that indicates noun:
a) – ion
b) – ify

c) – ive
d) – ous
e) – ate
24. Choose the correct answer:
This house ____ by my grandfather Adilbek. He ____ it in 1997.
a) built/was built
b) were built/ built
c) had built/ built
d) was built/ built
e) is built/ was built
25. Choose the correct answer:
If I ____ you, I ____ it in this way, but it’s impossible to be you.
a) Will be/ do
b) Were/ would do
c) Am/ would do
d) Was/ will do
e) Am/do

Questions 26-30 [3 point for the correct answer]
26. What is the message of the text?
In a quiet town, curious Amelia discovered an old book about Eldoria, a magical land. Excited,
she packed a bag and set off to find it. Through forests and mountains, she met friendly people
and faced challenges. As seasons changed, Amelia reached Eldoria. Colors dazzled, and the air
smelled sweet. Eldorians welcomed her, and Amelia decided to stay. There, she found a new
home and friends, realizing that the journey was as important as the destination. Inspired,
Amelia's story became part of Eldoria's tapestry, teaching others that adventures are not just in
far-off places but in the journey itself.
a) The goal is not the most important part, the process is
b) To teach others adventures
c) To find home and friends
d) To discover Eldoria
e) To become part of Eldoria’s tapestry
27. According to the context, what does the word “pals” mean?
Meet Jake, a guy who loves playing soccer. One day, he found a paper about a local soccer
contest. Excited, he gathered his friends to make a team. After work, they practiced on the old
field in the neighborhood. With each practice, they got better and became good pals. The contest
day came, and many teams joined. Jake's team faced tough opponents, but they played with joy.
Cheers filled the air, and even though they didn't win, Jake learned that the real fun was in
playing the game he loved. The contest taught him that it's not just about winning; it's about
having fun and enjoying the game with your friends.
a) Good friends
b) Enemies
c) Familiar people
d) Brothers
e) Classmates
28. According to the text what does Dariya love about cooking the most?
Meet Dariya, a young cook who loves making tasty meals. Every weekend, she tries new recipes
in her kitchen. From stir-fries to casseroles, Dariya enjoys mixing flavors and creating yummy
dishes. Sometimes, her experiments lead to surprising twists that everyone loves. Dariya's friends
and neighbors can't wait to taste her delicious meals. Cooking isn't just about the food for Dariya;

it's about sharing laughter and good times around the table. Each dish she makes becomes a
special memory, bringing people together and celebrating the joy of simple cooking.
a) She loves experimenting
b) She loves eating
c) She loves bringing people together and cook
d) She loves cooking with other people
e) She loves surprising people
29. According to the text, how did Alexander feel after the journey?
Meet Alexander, who loves exploring. One day, Alexander read about a cool town in a magazine
and decided to visit. Taking a train, Alexander found cobblestone streets, colorful markets, and
made friends with locals. They shared stories and tried yummy food. Watching the sunset,
Alexander realized that the best part of travel is meeting people and hearing their stories. Happy
with the adventure, Alexander came home with lots of memories, knowing that every journey is a
special experience.
a) He felt upset and wanted to come back
b) He wanted to go somewhere else
c) He enjoyed making friends and acquaintances
d) He wished he made more memories
e) He will give up exploring new places
30. What is geography for Lilya?
Meet Lilya, a curious kid who loves learning about places. In school, Lilya studied geography, which is
all about the Earth and its features. She discovered that the world has continents, like big puzzle pieces.
There are oceans too, covering a lot of the planet. Lilya learned about countries, each with its own unique
things, like food and traditions.
Maps helped Lilya understand where things are. Mountains stand tall, rivers flow, and deserts can be
really hot. Lilya found it exciting to know about different climates and landscapes. Geography is like
exploring the Earth's amazing puzzle and discovering the cool and diverse things that make each place
special. Lilya loved how geography made the world feel like a big, interesting adventure!
a) It’s just a school subject
b) It’s rather puzzling
c) It’s only traditions and Earth features
d) It’s discovery of the unique World
e) It’s misunderstanding of what things are
Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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