Материалдар / Агылшын тілі 5 сынып тест тапсырмалары
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Агылшын тілі 5 сынып тест тапсырмалары

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Тест тапсырмалары 5 сынып оқушыларына
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
25 Желтоқсан 2020
1 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
770 тг 693 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

_______ Date: ________ 5 grade

Review: Step 1-5

Circle the correct answer.

  1. What’s your name?

  1. I am 10

  2. You

  3. Omar

  1. How are you?

  1. I’m fine

  2. I’m in 5 A

  3. I’m from Almaty

  1. How old are you?

  1. I’m from London

  2. I’m 15

  3. I’m fine

  1. Where are you from?

  1. I’m from London

  2. I’m from ……

  3. I’m from Kazakhstan

  1. Are you from Kazakhstan?

  1. I’m Asel

  2. No, I’m from England

  3. I’m Ok

Answer the questions.

  1. What is your name?


  1. Where are you from in Kazakhstan?


  1. Which class are you in?


Write the next number.

2, 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,15,18,20

_______ Date: ________ 5 grade

Review: Step 1-5

Circle the correct answer.

  1. Where’s Alla Pugacheva from?

  1. She is from Kazakhstan

  2. She is from Russia

  3. She is from England

  1. Where’s London?

  1. It’s in Russia

  2. It’s in Kazakhstan

  3. It’s in England

  1. What’s your address?

  1. Flat 4, 73 Abai street

  2. It’s in London

  3. She’s 14

  1. What’s your phone number?

  1. It’s Ok

  2. It’s Bristol

  3. It’s 458709

  1. What’s that boy?

  1. He’s Colin

  2. She’s Asel

  3. He’s fine

Write your:

  1. First name ___________

  1. Surname _____________

  1. Age _________

  1. Address _________________

  1. Telephone number _____________

_______ Date: ________ 5 grade

Review: Step 1-5

Circle the correct answer.

  1. What’s this?

  1. It’s a chair

  2. It’s bad

  3. They’re books

  1. Have you got a bike?

  1. No, it isn’t

  2. No, she hasn’t

  3. No, I haven’t

  1. Whose pen is this?

  1. They’re mine

  2. It’s Omar’s

  3. It isn’t a pen

  1. Can I borrow your pen?

  1. Yes, I can

  2. Sure

  3. Yes, you are

  1. Whose jeans are those?

  1. It’s Carol’s

  2. They’re nice

  3. They’re mine

  1. What’s your mother like?

  1. She’s a teacher

  2. She’ beautiful

  3. Her name is Alma

  1. How many sisters have you got?

  1. She has got three sisters

  2. My sister has got five pens

  3. I have got one sister

  1. Are these Colin’s shoes?

  1. Yes, it is

  2. Yes, they are shoes

  3. Yes, it is they are his

Answer the questions

  1. How many pens have you got?


  1. What is your mother/father like?


____________ Date: _________ 5 grade

Review: Step 1-5

Circle the correct answer.

  1. What colour is your hair?

  1. They’re black

  2. They’re blond

  3. They’re brown

  1. What colour are your jeans?

  1. They’re blue

  2. They’re short

  3. It’s black

  1. Can you play tennis?

  1. Yes, I do

  2. Yes, I am

  3. Yes, I can

  1. Where is my bag?

  1. It’s on the chair

  2. It’s in the chair

  3. They’re on the chair

  1. Where are the trainers?

  1. It’s under the chair

  2. They are in the chair

  3. They are in the chair

Answer the questions

  1. What season is it now?


  1. What month is it now?


  1. What day is it today?


  1. What date is it today?


  1. When is your birthday?


  1. What time is it?

  1. 11.45

  2. 17.10

  1. What colour are your eyes?


  1. What colour is your mother’ father’s hair?


  1. Can you play chess?


____________ Date: _________ 5 grade

Review: Step 1-5

Circle the correct answer.

  1. What does Colin’s father do?

  1. He lives in London

  2. He is at home

  3. He is a taxi-driver

  1. What does Omar want to be?

  1. He is a student

  2. He wants to be a pilot

  3. He wants an ice-cream

  1. Do you like History?

  1. Yes, I am

  2. Yes, it is

  3. Yes, I do

  1. Are you good at swimming?

  1. Yes, I am

  2. Yes, I do

  3. Yes, it is

Answer the questions

  1. What do you want to be?


  1. What are you good at?


  1. What does your mother do?


  1. What time do you get up on weekends?


  1. What days don’t you go to school?


  1. What are your favourite subjects?


______ Date: _________ 5 grade

Review: Step 1-5

Circle the correct answer.

  1. Where do elephant come from?

  1. Russia b) India c)England

  1. Do you want some Pepsi?

  1. Yes, please b) Yes, I am c) Yes, it is

  1. What is Yury Gagarin’s nationality?

  1. He is Russian b) He is Spanish c) He is American

  1. Do you like swimming?

  1. Yes, I am b) Yes, I does c) Yes, I do

Write the answers to the questions:

  1. Do you ever help your mother


  1. How often do you make your bed


  1. Is there a swimming pool in your school?


  1. There is a disco tomorrow. Do you want to come?


  1. How many boys are there in your class?


  1. What time does your school start?


_______ Date: ___________2013 5 grade

The Theme of the lesson: Review: Steps 1-5

Review: Steps 1-5

  1. Is there a table in the bedroom?

  1. No, there’s only a bed

  2. Yes, it does

  3. The table is old

  1. Is the table in the bedroom or in the living room?

  1. Yes, it is

  2. It’s in the bath room

  3. It’s in the living room

  1. What do you need?

  1. I need a dishwasher

  2. I need a desk

  3. I need a table

  1. Are there … chairs in the bedroom?

  1. Some

  2. Any

  3. A

  1. There isn’t … pictures on the wall.

  1. Any

  2. Some

Look at the picture. Write the correct words

  1. The table is _____________the door

Next to, on, in, under

  1. The picture is _____________ the door

Near, in, on, over

  1. There are flowers ________________ the table.

Under, over, in, on, next to

Write the correct verbs

  1. There ____________ some chairs in the living room

Is, am, are

  1. There ____________ a table in the middle of the room

Is, am, are

____ Date: __________ 2013 5 Grade

Review: Steps 1-5

Circle the correct answer

  1. The Akorda is …

  1. in Astana b) in Almaty c) near Astana

  1. london is ….

  1. in Great Britain b) in Asia c) the USA

  1. In Kazakhstan, the Alatau mountains are …

  1. in the south b) in the west c) in the north

  1. How is the weather in Almaty today?

a)Yes, it is b) it; sunny c) It’s in the south

  1. Where is Aspen, Colorado?

  1. in Great Britain b) in Asia c) the United States of America

  1. Where is the Zhaiyk river?

  1. It is in the north of Kazakhstan

  2. It is in the south of Kazakhstan

  3. It is in the west of Kazakhstan

  1. What is temperature in Astana?

  1. It’s 20 c

  2. It’s very old city

  3. I’d like to visit Astana

____ Date: __________ Grade: ________

Review: Steps 1-5

Circle the correct answer

  1. I am learning ….

  1. Chinese b) English c) Japanese

  1. What are you doing?

  1. I like hamburgers b) I’m writing a test in English c)I eat lunch

  1. Yuri Gagarin was …

  1. an engineer b) an astronaut c) a singer

  1. . Is 5 billion years old

  1. The Earth b) The Moon c) The Sun

  1. Abai Kunanbaev was born in …

  1. Almaty b) Astana c) Semey

  1. Welcome to my house.

  1. Thanks for me b) Thanks for inviting me c) I am happy

  1. I am going …

  1. To look for my teacher b) to miss my teacher c) to the Moon in summer

693тг - Сатып алу
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