Материалдар / Ағылшын тілі. 7 сынып. БЖБ-2 3 тоқсан. Unit 8. " Natural disasters".
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ағылшын тілі. 7 сынып. БЖБ-2 3 тоқсан. Unit 8. " Natural disasters".

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Summative assessment for the 8th Unit, " Natural disasters". Task 1. Read the text. Task 2. Answer statements (True/False). (3 points) Task 3. Answer the questions. ( 5 points) Task 4. Write questions with have or has (Present Perfect). Then match questions 1–6 with answers a–f. (4 points) Total 12 points
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Summative assessment for the unit “Natural disasters”

Learning objectives

7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in

extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.W3 Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited

range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.W4 Use with some support style and register appropriate to a

limited variety of written genres on general and curricular topics

Task 1. Read the text.

I am scared of spiders. When I see one, I scream and run away. I don't like the way they move, and I don't like their eyes. If there is a spider in my bedroom, I can't sleep.

My friend Mark is scared of heights. He can't look out of the window if he's on the 10th floor or higher. He doesn't like flying, but he likes going to the mountains. He likes walking up the mountains, but he doesn't like looking down.

My sister is scared of snakes. She thinks they are dangerous. She doesn't like going to the zoo because there are snakes there. She doesn't like watching films about snakes. She doesn't like the film Anaconda.

My cousin is scared of the dark. When she was a child, she always slept with the light on. Now she has a small light next to her bed. She doesn't like going out at night alone. She always goes out with a friend.

My dad is scared of dogs. When he sees a dog in the street, he crosses the road. He doesn't like it when dogs jump on him. He doesn't like it when dogs bark (say 'woof woof').

My mum is scared of thunder and lightning. When there is a storm, she stays inside the house. She closes all the windows and doors, and she closes the curtains. She doesn't like the noise of the thunder.

My brother is scared of injections (when the doctor puts a needle in your arm). He doesn't go to the doctor very often because he doesn't want an injection. He doesn't like watching TV programmes about hospitals.

And me? I'm scared of ghosts. I don't like watching horror films. I don't like it when people tell me ghost stories. I don't like staying in old houses.

Task 2. Answer the statements ( True/False).

1. The author is not scared of spiders.

2. Mark is afraid of heights and can't look out of high windows.

3. The author's sister loves snakes and thinks they are friendly.

4. The author's cousin is scared of the dark and always sleeps with the light on. ( 3 points )

Task 3. Answer for these questions.

1. What is the author scared of?

2. How does Mark feel about heights?

3. Why doesn't the author's sister like going to the zoo?

4. What does the cousin do when she goes out at night? ( 5 points )

Task 4. Write questions with have or has. Then match questions 1–6 with answers a–f.

1. you / hear / the new Jay-Z CD

Have you heard the new Jay-Z CD? b

2. you / bruise / your finger

3. your brother / do / anything dangerous

4. we / finish / the lesson

a. Yes, I have. My friend closed the door on it!

b. Yes, I have. It’s excellent.

c. Yes, he has. He’s climbed an active volcano!

d. No, we haven’t. There are five more minutes. ( 4 points )

Total points: 12 points


Summative assessment for the unit “Natural disasters”

Learning objectives

7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in

extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.W3 Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited

range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.W4 Use with some support style and register appropriate to a

limited variety of written genres on general and curricular topics

Task 1. Read the text.

I am scared of spiders. When I see one, I scream and run away. I don't like the way they move, and I don't like their eyes. If there is a spider in my bedroom, I can't sleep.

My friend Mark is scared of heights. He can't look out of the window if he's on the 10th floor or higher. He doesn't like flying, but he likes going to the mountains. He likes walking up the mountains, but he doesn't like looking down.

My sister is scared of snakes. She thinks they are dangerous. She doesn't like going to the zoo because there are snakes there. She doesn't like watching films about snakes. She doesn't like the film Anaconda.

My cousin is scared of the dark. When she was a child, she always slept with the light on. Now she has a small light next to her bed. She doesn't like going out at night alone. She always goes out with a friend.

My dad is scared of dogs. When he sees a dog in the street, he crosses the road. He doesn't like it when dogs jump on him. He doesn't like it when dogs bark (say 'woof woof').

My mum is scared of thunder and lightning. When there is a storm, she stays inside the house. She closes all the windows and doors, and she closes the curtains. She doesn't like the noise of the thunder.

My brother is scared of injections (when the doctor puts a needle in your arm). He doesn't go to the doctor very often because he doesn't want an injection. He doesn't like watching TV programmes about hospitals.

And me? I'm scared of ghosts. I don't like watching horror films. I don't like it when people tell me ghost stories. I don't like staying in old houses.

Task 2. Answer the statements ( True/False).

1. The author's dad loves dogs and always wants to pet them.

2. The author's mum is afraid of thunder and lightning and stays indoors during storms.

3. The author's brother is scared of injections and avoids going to the doctor.

4. The author loves ghosts and enjoys watching horror films. ( 3 points )

Task 3. Answer for these questions.

1. What does the cousin do when she goes out at night?

2. Why does the dad cross the road when he sees a dog in the street?

3. What does the mum do during a thunderstorm?

4. Why doesn't the brother go to the doctor very often? ( 5 points )

Task 4. Write questions with have or has. Then match questions 1–6 with answers a–f.

1. you / hear / the new Jay-Z CD

Have you heard the new Jay-Z CD? a

2. we / finish / the lesson

3. your dad / sprain / his ankle

4. Michaela / ever / do / anything really frightening

a. Yes, I have. It’s excellent.

b. No, she hasn’t. She prefers relaxing things.

c. No, he hasn’t. He’s broken it.

d. No, we haven’t. There are five more minutes. ( 4 points )

Total points: 12 points

Correct answers:

1. False (This statement contradicts the text - the author is scared of spiders.)

2. True

3. False (This statement contradicts the text - the author's sister is scared of snakes.)

4. Not Given (There is nothing in the text that says whether the author's cousin still sleeps with the light on - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.)

5. False (This statement contradicts the factual information provided in the text - the author's dad is scared of dogs.)

6. True

7. Not Given (There is nothing in the text that says whether the author's brother avoids going to the doctor - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.)

8. False (This statement contradicts the factual information provided in the text - the author is scared of ghosts and doesn't like watching horror films.)

Correct answers:

1. The author is scared of ghosts.

2. Mark is scared of heights and can't look out of the window if he's on the 10th floor or higher.

3. The author's sister doesn't like going to the zoo because there are snakes there.

4. The cousin always goes out with a friend at night.

5. The dad crosses the road when he sees a dog in the street because he is scared of dogs jumping on him and barking.

6. During a thunderstorm, the mum stays inside the house, closes all the windows and doors, and closes the curtains due to her fear of thunder and lightning.

7. The brother doesn't go to the doctor very often because he is scared of injections.

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