Материалдар / Ағылшын тілі. 7 сынып. ТЖБ 3 тоқсан.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ағылшын тілі. 7 сынып. ТЖБ 3 тоқсан.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
7 сынып. Ағылшын тілі. ТЖБ - 3 тоқсан 24 балл Task 1. Read the text " Injuries" Task 2. Answer the statements True/False Task3. Answer the questions. Task 4. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Total points: 24
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жүктеп алып көруге болады

Summative assessment for the 3rd term. Variant 1

Learning objectives

7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S5 Keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

Assessment criteria

Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support

Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics

Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task 1. Read the text “ Injuries”.

Last week I had a very bad day. In the morning, I fell over in the street and cut my knee. Then I went to work. At lunchtime, I went to the cafe near my office. I ordered some soup and a sandwich. But when I was carrying my tray to a table, I slipped on a wet floor and dropped everything. There was soup and bread all over the floor, and there was water everywhere. It was really embarrassing. The people at the other tables looked at me, but nobody helped me. After that, I went back to my office and tried to work. But I couldn't because my head hurt. I had a terrible headache. So I decided to go home. On the way home, I stopped outside a shop to look at something in the window. While I was looking at it, I walked into a lamp post. Ouch! Then, when I got home, I opened the door and went into the kitchen. My dog was waiting for me. He wanted to play with me. He was very excited and he jumped up at me. But he's a big dog and he's heavy, so he knocked me over. And then he sat on top of me! What a day! When my husband came home from work, he found me lying on the floor with the dog sitting on me. He said, 'What happened to you?' and I said, 'It's been a really bad day!'

Task 2. Answer the statements True/ False.

1. The author had a terrible day last week.

2. In the morning, the author fell over in the park and cut their knee.

3. The author went to a restaurant for lunch.

4. The author slipped on a dry floor.

5. The floor was covered in soup, bread, and water.

6. The author went back home after the incident.

7. The author could work despite having a headache.

8. When my husband came home from work, he found me sitting on the floor with the dog lying next to me. Points: 8 points

Task 3. Answer for the following questions.

1. What happened to the author in the morning last week?

2. Where did the author go for lunch at work, and what did they order?

3. Why was it embarrassing for the author at the cafe near their office?

4. Why couldn't the author work in the office after lunch?

5. What caused the author to walk into a lamp post on the way home?

6. Who was waiting for the author when they got home, and what did they want to do?

7. How did the author's husband react when he found the author lying on the floor with the dog sitting on them? Points: 8 points

Task 4. Write questions using have / has and ever.

For example: she / see / a shark Has she ever seen a shark?

1. you / break / your arm

2. they / sleep / outside in a storm

3. she / climb / a big mountain

4. you / meet / a pop star

5. he / play / rugby

6. we / watch / this programme before Points: 8 points

Total points: 24 points

Summative assessment for the 3rd term. Variant 2

Learning objectives

7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S5 Keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

Assessment criteria

Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support

Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics

Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task 1. Read the text “ Injuries”.

Last week I had a very bad day. In the morning, I fell over in the street and cut my knee. Then I went to work. At lunchtime, I went to the cafe near my office. I ordered some soup and a sandwich. But when I was carrying my tray to a table, I slipped on a wet floor and dropped everything. There was soup and bread all over the floor, and there was water everywhere. It was really embarrassing. The people at the other tables looked at me, but nobody helped me. After that, I went back to my office and tried to work. But I couldn't because my head hurt. I had a terrible headache. So I decided to go home. On the way home, I stopped outside a shop to look at something in the window. While I was looking at it, I walked into a lamp post. Ouch! Then, when I got home, I opened the door and went into the kitchen. My dog was waiting for me. He wanted to play with me. He was very excited and he jumped up at me. But he's a big dog and he's heavy, so he knocked me over. And then he sat on top of me! What a day! When my husband came home from work, he found me lying on the floor with the dog sitting on me. He said, 'What happened to you?' and I said, 'It's been a really bad day!'

Task 2. Answer the statements True/ False.

1. The author had a very bad day last month.

2. The author fell over in the park and cut their elbow.

3. The author went to the cafe near their office in the afternoon.

4. The author slipped on a dry floor and dropped everything.

5. There was soup and bread all over the table, and there was water everywhere.

6. After that, the author went home and rested.

7. But the author couldn't work because their stomach hurt.

8. When my husband came home from work, he found me sitting on the floor with the dog lying next to me. Points: 8 points

Task 3. Answer for the following questions.

1. What happened to the author in the morning last week?

2. Where did the author go for lunch at work, and what did they order?

3. Why was it embarrassing for the author at the cafe near their office?

4. Why couldn't the author work in the office after lunch?

5. What caused the author to walk into a lamp post on the way home?

6. Who was waiting for the author when they got home, and what did they want to do?

7. How did the author's husband react when he found the author lying on the floor with the dog sitting on them? Points: 8 points

Task 4 . Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (sprain) my ankle, but I (not break) it.

2. My brother (burn) his fingers. What should he do?

3. I (have) problems with this bike, but I (not fall) off it!

4. Daryn (never / write) a letter to a celebrity.

5. Adrian and Alua (have) a car accident, but they’re OK.

6. Oh no! My dog (bite) my cousin! Points: 8 points

Total points: 24 points

Correct answers:

1. True

2. False (This statement contradicts the text - the author fell over in the street, not the park.)

3. Not Given (There is no information in the text about the place being a restaurant or a cafe - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.)

4. False (This statement contradicts the factual information provided in the text - the floor was wet, not dry.)

5. True

6. Not Given (There is no information in the text about the author going home after the incident - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.)

7. False (This statement contradicts the text - the author couldn't work due to a headache.)

8. False (This statement contradicts the factual information provided in the text - the dog was sitting on the author, not lying next to them.)

Correct answers:

1. In the morning last week, the author fell over in the street and cut their knee.

2. The author went to the cafe near their office for lunch and ordered some soup and a sandwich.

3. It was embarrassing for the author at the cafe because they slipped on a wet floor and dropped their tray with soup and bread everywhere.

4. The author couldn't work in the office after lunch because they had a terrible headache.

5. The author walked into a lamp post on the way home while looking at something in a shop window.

6. When the author got home, their dog was waiting for them and wanted to play, jumping up and accidentally knocking the author over.

7. The author's husband reacted by asking what happened, and the author replied that it had been a really bad day.

Correct answers:

1. Not Given (The text does not specify the exact time frame of the bad day, so it is not possible to determine if it was last week or last month.)

2. False (This statement suggests an incorrect inference from the information given in the text.)

3. Not Given (The text does not specify the exact time of day when the author went to the cafe, so it is not possible to determine if it was in the afternoon.)

4. False (This statement contradicts the factual information provided in the text.)

5. Not Given (The text does not specify the exact location of the spilled food and water, so it is not possible to determine if it was on the floor or the table.)

6. False (This statement suggests an incorrect inference from the information given in the text.)

7. Not Given (The text does not specify the exact reason for the author not being able to work, so it is not possible to determine if it was a headache or stomach ache.)

8. False (This statement suggests an incorrect inference from the information given in the text.)

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