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Ағылшын тілі пәнінен оқу сауаттылығына арналған мәтіндер

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Оқу сауаттылығына арналған мәтіндер
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14 Ақпан 2024
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450 тг 405 тг
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Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly.

Survival and Transformation: The Journey of White Fang

"White Fang" is an exciting story by Jack London about a young wolf-dog named White Fang and his incredible journey through the through wilderness of the Yukon Territory in Canada. The story takes place during the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1800s.

White rang is born in the wild and faces many challenges as he tries to adapt to his surroundings. He has to deal with the hard conditions of nature and the bad treatment from humanswhich shape his character and instincts. Throughout the story White Fang meets different people who impact his life in different was.

At first, White Fang’s encounters with humans are mostly negative, as he experiences abuse and ill-treatment. However, his life changes when a kind man named Weedon Scott saves him. Weedon shows White Fang love, care, and patience, gradually earning the wolf-dog's trust and loyalty.

With Weedon's help, White Fang learns to control his aggressive instincts and becomes more civilized. He forms a strong connection with his new master and develops connections with other dogs

Through these relationships, white Fang discovers the power or love, friendship and loyalty.

As White Fang continues his journey, he faces various challenges, including fights with other animals and rival dogs. However, his resilience and the lessons he learns from Weedon and his companions help him overcome these problems

‘’White Fang’’ is a story about survival, personal growth, and the relationship between humans and animals. It explores themes such as the toughness of nature, the impact of the environment on behavior, and the ability of animals to form emotional connections. The story also highlights the natural instincts and adaptability of animals, as well as the positive effects of love and compassion.

With its bright descriptions of the wilderness and interesting characters, ‘’White Fang" provides an engaging reading experience for both teenagers and adults.

  1. White Fang is the tale about:

  1. A man looking for gold

  2. A wolf-dog and his journey

  3. Nature of Canada

  4. скриндалмаған

  5. скриндалмаған

  1. what kind of challenges does white fang face?

  1. His illness

  2. Very hard work

  3. Hot weather

  4. Death of his owner

  5. Cruelty of nature and people

  1. White fang has a …. Life

  1. Challenge

  2. Challenges

  3. Challenging

  4. Challenged

  5. Challengeous

  1. Weedon shows White Fang….

  1. Loves and patience

  2. Love and patient

  3. Loved and patient

  4. Love and patience

  5. Lovely and patient

  1. What are the negative factors in White Fang’s life?

  1. Gold and cold

  2. Ill people

  3. Nature, humans, dogs

  4. His age

  5. His owner Weedon

  1. How does Weedon treat White Fang?

  1. He abuses the dog

  2. He treats him with patience

  3. He fights with dog

  4. He doesn’t feed the dog

  5. He sells the dog

  1. How does the abuse from humans affect White Fang’s character and instincts in the story ‘White Fang’?

  1. It makes him more aggressive and dangerous

  2. It develops fear in the wolf-dog

  3. It changes White Fang’s character making him careful and distrustful of humans

  4. It has no significant impact on White Fang’s character and instincts

  5. It motivates White Fang to show violent behaviour towards humans

  1. Based on the context of the text what does the word ‘wilderness’ mean?

  1. A large area of land with little to no human settlement

  2. A dangerous and chaotic environment

  3. A place where wild animals are kept in Zoos

  4. A region with rich vegetation and dense population

  5. A desert without any life forms

  1. The story is called ‘Survival and transformation’ because…

  1. People treated all dogs negatively

  2. The wolf-dog lived in the 19th century

  3. The wolf-dog became aggressive

  4. White Fang lived a hard life and finally learned to trust and love

  5. White Fang couldn’t love anyone

  1. The author thinks that ‘White Fang’ is an engaging reading because

  1. It describes the characters and the nature in an interesting way

  2. It has various characters

  3. It tells about the hard life of animals

  4. It is a historical novel

  5. It can teach a lot of lessons

Instruction:Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly .

Dana : Hello M.r Barkley .My name is Dana .I am in graed 9 now and I am starting to think about my future career.Can you help me ?

Mr.Barkley: Hello. Yes, I can help you, it is my job. Have you decided what you'd like to study at university?

Dana: No, unfortunately I haven't.

Mr. Barkley: Ok, let's start with the school subject that you like best. Dana: Let me see. My first tavorite subject is Art, that's for sure. I am absolutely happy when I can create something beautiful and unique. My second favorite subject is English. Our teacher tries to develop our communication skills in English and I hope I can express myself quite well.

Mr. Barkley: My next question is: what are your hobbies? When do you feel happiest?

Dana: Oh, my passion is photography. I feel excited when I take pictures of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes.

Mr. Barkley: What else do you like about photography?

Dana: like using my digital camera and some other gadgets that can make my photograpns better.

Mr. Barkley: Have you thought of photography as a career? You can become a fashion photographer.

Dano: That sounds interesting but I have always thought of it as a hobby. What do fashion photographers do? Mr. Barkley: rashion photographers mainly shoot clothing on fashion models. Otten, these photographs are used in promotions and

advertising in catalogs or other media to sell the clothing to consumers

Dana: Wow, super! I love this idea. Through this job I can develop my creativity and maybe practice English if I work abroad. I will discuss it with

  1. Dana is a ...

  1. University student

  2. 9 th graed student

  3. professional photographer

  4. medical student

  5. career guidance counselor

  1. Mr .Barkley suggests a career of a

  1. fashion designer

  2. fashion model

  3. fashion photographer

  4. software developer

  5. software enginer

  1. Mr .Barkley is a

  1. A School principal

  2. B career guidance counselor

  3. C teacher

  4. D fashion photographer

  5. E 9th grade student

  1. Dana said their English teacher

  1. A . tried to develop their communication skills

  2. B . was not very effective in improving their communication skills

  3. C . was more interested in teaching grammar than communication skills

  4. D . Didn't encourage them to speak up in class

  5. E . tried to develop their leadership skills

  1. The photographs of fashion photographers are used

  1. A . at school

  2. B . in books

  3. C . as private photos

  4. D . in advertising in social media

  5. E . in science literature

  1. Dana asked Mr.Barkley ...help her

  1. A . could he

  2. B . if he can

  3. C . can he

  4. D. if he could

  5. E. will he

  1. Mr.Barkley offered Dana ...again in a week

  1. A . will come

  2. B . to come

  1. C. coming

  2. D .come

  3. E.to come

  1. The false statement

  1. A . Mr.Barkley offered to start with her favorite school subjects

  2. B . Mr.Barkley said Dana could become a fashion photographer

  3. C . Mr.Barkley invited Dana to come in a month

  4. D . Dana wondered what fashion photographers did

  5. E . Dana said she liked using her digital camera and other gadgets

  1. The true statement

  1. A . Dana is 9 years old

  2. B . Mr.Barkley asked Dana if she could speak any other languages

  3. C . Mr.Barkley's responsibility is to find jobs for teenagers

  4. D . Dana said she likes to create new things and speak English

  5. E . Mr.Barkley invited Dana to come in month

  1. Dana promised she ...the idea with her parents

  1. A . discuss

  2. B . would discuss

  3. C . can discuss

  4. D . discussed

  5. E . will discuss

Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly.

The Model Millionaire

Once upon a time, in the city of London, there was a young man named Hughle Erskine. He was handsome but poor, and he wanted to marry Laura Merton, a beautiful girl from a rich family. However, Laura's father believed that a man should have wealth before he could marry his daughter. One day, as Hughie was walking down the street, he came across a beggar. The beggar was shivering in the cold and asked Hughie for some money. Feeling sorry for him, Hughie gave him all the money he had in his pocket.

A few days later, Hughie received a letter from his friend, Alan Trevor, who was an artist. Trevor was working on a portrait of a millionaire and needed a model. He asked Hughie to come to his studio and pose for him. When Hughie arrived at Trevor's studio, he was surprised to see that the portrait was of the beggar he had helped. The artist explained that the beggar was actually a millionaire named Baron Hausberg, who liked to dress up as a beggar to observe people's reactions, Impressed by Hughie's act of kindness, Baron Hausberg wanted to reward him. He gave Hughie a check for ten thousand pounds, a vast sum of money in those days. Hughie was overjoyed and immediately went to Laura's house to ask for her hand in marriage.

Laura's father was amazed when he heard about Hughie's newfound wealth. He gladly accepted Hughie as his son-in-law. realizing that true generosity and kindness are more important than material wealth. From that day forward, Hughie and Laura lived a happy life together, and Hughie always remembered the lesson he had learned - that acts of kindness can bring unexpected rewards.

Adapted from "The Model Millionaire" by Oscar Wild

1.Baron Hausberg is a/an...

  1. Artist

  2. Person who was dressed up as a beggar

  3. Poor man

  4. Alan Trevor's friend

  5. Laura's father

2.Laura's father believed that a man should have ...

  1. A Wealthy

  2. Wealth

  3. Wealthless

  4. Wealths

  5. Unwealthy

3.Why was Laura's father against her marriage with Hughie?

  1. He thought Hughie was too old

  2. He thought Hughie was not smart enough

  3. He thought Hughie was too rich

  4. He thought Hughie was a bad person

  5. He thought Hughie was not rich enough

4.Alan Trevor, .. is an artist, is Hughie's friend.

  1. What

  2. Whom

  3. Who

  4. Whose

  5. Which

5.Why was Baron Hausberg dressed up as a beggar?

A He became poor

B It was his job

C He didn't like expensive clothes

D He wanted to see people's reaction

E He was actually a beggar

6.Choose the false statement

  1. A Hughie Erskine was a young man living in the city of London.

  2. B Hughie wanted to marry Laura Merton, a girl from a wealthy family.

  3. C The beggar turned out to be Baron Hausberg, a millionaire who dressed up as a beggar.

  4. D Laura's father belleved that a man should have wealth before marrying his daughter.

  5. E After receiving the check, Hughie decided not to marry Laura.

7.Beggar means...

  1. A A person who asks for money from others

  2. B A person who lives a luxurious lifestyle.

  3. C A person who helps those in need.

  4. D A person who pretends to be homeless for personal gain

  5. E A skilled professional in a specific field.

8.Real ... are more valuable than material wealth.

  1. Kindness and generosity

  2. B Kind and generous

  3. C Kindness and generous

  4. D Kind and generosity

  5. E Kind and generously

9.Choose the correct description of Hughie

  1. Cold-hearted, bad-tempered, big hearted

  2. Narrow-minded, self-centered, clear-headed

  3. Good-looking. well-mannered, kind-hearted

  4. Short-tempered, generous-hearted, strong-willed

  5. Good-natured, warm-hearted, two-faced

10.Choose the sentence with the correct word order.

  1. His daughter didn't marry Hughie to allow Laura's father

  2. Laura's father allow Hughie to didn't marry his daughter

  3. Hughie didn’t marry his daughter to allow Laura

  4. Hughie didn't allow Laura's father to marry his daughter

  5. Laura's father didn't allow Hughie to marry his daughter

Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly.


Tsunamis are a force of nature to be reckoned with. Gigantic waves that decimate the they hit. But what makes them so destructive?

A tsunami is caused by an underwater disturbance. Its a huge volume of moving water that forms massive waves when it reaches shallow areas. Single-wave tsunamis are rare. They are usually composed of a series of crests called a wave train.

Landslides, volcanic eruptions, and even meteorites can create a tsunaml. But usually, the main cause is an undersea earthquake. When the ocean floor cracks, one side is thrust upwards - a process known as tectonic uplift. it suddenly displaces the water above the fault. As the tsunami nears shallow water, the front of the wave is slowed down dramatically. Fast-moving water from behind catches up on the front of the wave. It can create 30-metre-high waves. When it hits land, the whole length of the wave sweeps forward, engulfing everything in its path.

This is what happened on December 26, 2004. A 1200-kilometer section of the Earth's crust shifted off the coast of Sumatra, an island in Indonesia. Energy released was equal to 23,000 atomic bombs. It was one of the deadllest and record-breaking disasters in recent history. claiming over 200,000 lives.

  1. What caused the tssunami in Sumatra?

А Volcanic eruption

В Meteorites

С Iceberg melting

D Shifting of the Earths crust

E None of the above

  1. What happened on December 26, 2004?

А Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans

В One of the deadliest tsunamis

С А smallest tornado ever recorded

D Volcano eruption in Sumatra, Indonesia

E Massive landslide

  1. 405тг - Сатып алу
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