Материалдар / БЖБ1 7 сынып Summative assessment for the unit Hobbies and Leuisure
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БЖБ1 7 сынып Summative assessment for the unit Hobbies and Leuisure

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БЖБ1 7 сынып Summative assessment for the unit Hobbies and Leuisure
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17 Қырқүйек 2024
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1300 тг 1170 тг
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Summative assessment for the unit “Hobbies and Leisure”

Learning objectives understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics; Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics


Task1. Listen to two people talking about their plans at the weekend. You will listen to the recording twice. . Choose the correct answer.

Go to the following link to listen to the information:https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/intermediate-b1-listening/weekend

1. What activity does the boy mention first when describing his weekend plans?
a. White water rafting
b. Canyoning
c. Dirtboarding
d. Zip-wiring

2. According to the boy, what is dirtboarding similar to?
a. Bungee jumping
b. Skateboarding and snowboarding
c. Canyoning
d. White water rafting

3. Which activity involves jumping and swimming down a river canyon?
a. Zip-wiring
b. Bungee jumping
c. White water rafting
d. Canyoning

4. What does the girl think about the boy's planned activities?
a. She wants to join him
b. She thinks they sound exciting
c. She thinks they sound too difficult
d. She doesn't express an opinion

5. Where is the girl going for her weekend trip?
a. The mountains
b. London
c. Rome
d. Paris

6. How long is the girl's trip?
a. Two days
b. Three days
c. Four days
d. A week

7. Which famous statue does the girl want to see in Paris?
a. Venus de Milo
b. David
c. The Thinker
d. Winged Victory

8. Who is the girl going on the trip with?
a. Her family
b. Her classmates
c. Just a friend
d. She doesn't specify


Task 2. Work in a pair.Choose the card and present your point of view on the activity. Agree ORdisagree with your partner. Use words and phrases below:

because, but, sure, although; Not really; Sounds good to me; I agree/ disagree; I’d love to; I think/don’t think so.





xample (Agreement):-My favorite activity is skateboarding.

-I like skateboarding to because it’s a real activity for teenagers.

- I think so. It’s interesting and rather exiting.


Playing sport games


Listening to music

I agree, while I’m skateboarding, I’m like flying.

-Sure. It’s a risky activity but it makes us stronger.

-Shape6 Shape5


Playing music

Let’s go skateboarding together.


EShape8 Shape7

Rock climbing

Playing computer games

xample (Disagreement)- My favorite activity is skateboarding.

-I dislike skateboarding to because it’s dangerous and risky.

- I think so. It’s interesting and rather exiting.

-Shape9 Shape11 Shape10


Watching films

Ice skating

I disagree, while I’m skateboarding, I’m like swaying.

-Sure. It’s a risky activity but it makes us stronger.

-Shape13 Shape12

Bungee jumping

Reading books

Thanks. It’s not really for me.



Ok. Tastes differ.

Shape16 Shape15

Collecting things

Model making


Assessment criteria




A learner

Identify the main idea in extended talks.


















Provide a point of view discussing with the partner.

Demonstrate appropriate topic vocabulary in well-organized sentences at discourse level.


uses at list 5 words on ““Hobbies and Leisure”;


uses at list 3 linking words and basic connectors”


gives agreement and disagreement clearly;


talks with grammar accuracy;


pronounces words correctly


Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Hobbies and Leisure”

Learner’s name ________________________



Level of learning achievements




Listen and find general idea in expanded talk.

FShape17 aces difficulties in defining the general idea in expanded talk.

Faces some difficulties in defining the general idea in expanded talk. Makes some mistakes in True/False, multiple choice tasks.


Shape19 Surely defines the general idea in expanded talk. Confidently chooses True and False; the correct answer in multiple choice task.

Provide a point of view discussing with a partner

FShape20 aces difficulties in discussion. Provides meaningless connection in the dialogue.

FShape21 aces some difficulties in discussion. Provides some corrections in the dialogue demonstrating a point of view.

Surely discusses with the partner. Actively provides communication support demonstrating a point of view.


Demonstrate appropriate topic vocabulary in

well-organized sentences at discourse level.

Faces difficulties in providing

well-to-do topic lexis in discourse. Experiences obstacles in response. Reproduces misconnection in talk.


Makes some mistakes in applying

well-to-do topic lexis in discussion. Gives some wrong responses. Takes part in discussion.


Surely discusses with the partner using well-to-do topic lexis. Intensively provides participation in the pair discussion.



Girl: So, have you got any plans for the weekend?
Boy: Yeah, me and my mates are going to this activity centre in the mountains.
Girl: Oh, yeah?
Boy: You can do all kinds of things. It’s a new centre; it sounds great. We’re going to go dirtboarding …
Girl: What’s that?
Boy: It’s like skateboarding or snowboarding. You have a board, or deck, to stand on and wheels. They’re pretty strong because you go down rough mountain tracks on them. Steep, rough mountain tracks.
Girl: Sounds a bit risky. Have you done it before?
Boy: No, but I’ve done similar things. Anyway, we’re also going to go canyoning. Before you ask, that’s when you jump and swim down a river canyon. You have to use ropes and special equipment. And maybe we’ll go white water rafting too.
Girl: Phew. It sounds far too difficult to me.
Boy: They have lots of things that you could do too. Like zip-wiring, you know when you go along a wire through the trees or down a mountain.
Girl: Go down a mountain on a wire!
Boy: It’s really easy and exciting too. You just have to hold on and enjoy the ride. Or there’s bungee jumping.
Girl: Jump off a bridge on a long elastic band! Me? You’ve got to be joking! Anyway, I’m going away this weekend too, thank you for asking.
Boy: I was going to ask. So where are you going?
Girl: Paris! I’m so excited!
Boy: Paris, wow!
Girl: Yeah, it’ll be brilliant! We’re going to do all the sights, like go up the Eiffel Tower and take a boat along the River Seine and see the old parts of the city. It looks so beautiful in the photos. And then there are all the art galleries. You know how much I like art. I can’t wait to go round the Louvre and see all those famous paintings.
Boy: I think the famous Impressionist paintings are somewhere else.
Girl: Yeah, I know, they’re in the Musée d’Orsay. We’re going there too. And then I want to go to the Rodin Museum and see that famous statue, you know, The Thinker. And of course, if we’re in Paris, we’ll have to go shopping. Or look at the shops, at least. And then there are the restaurants. Just think, French food!
Boy: You’ve got a lot planned for one weekend.
Girl: Oh, we’re going for four days, actually.
Boy: Oh, four days, very nice. And who are you going with?
Girl: Oh, just a friend.

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