Материалдар / Entry test EXCEL 9 grade
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Entry test EXCEL 9 grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Entry test EXCEL 9 grade
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

10th Grade Entry test

1. He is sad. (lose his rugby ball)
a. He has lost his rugby ball.
b. He had lost his rugby ball.
c. He lost his rugby ball.
d. He is losing his rugby ball.

2. She was excited. (buy a new camera)
a. She has bought a new camera.
b. She buys a new camera.
c. She had bought a new camera.
d. She is buying a new camera.

3. They were happy. (win first prize)
a. They had won first prize.
b. They win first prize.
c. They have won first prize.
d. They are winning first prize.

4. We are worried. (not hear from Bob yet)
a. We have not heard from Bob yet.
b. We had not heard from Bob yet.
c. We did not hear from Bob yet.
d. We are not hearing from Bob yet.

5. I am tired. (finish my homework)
a. I have finished my homework.
b. I finished my homework.
c. I had finished my homework.
d. I am finishing my homework.

Active and Passive Voice

1. Which sentence is in the active voice?
a. The book was read by Sarah.
b. The homework is being completed by the students.
c. Sarah reads the book.
d. The painting was admired by everyone.

2. Identify the passive voice sentence.
a. The teacher explained the lesson.
b. The lesson was explained by the teacher.
c. The students are studying for the test.
d. They will finish the project on time.

3. Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense?
a. Dana has made wood sculptures.
b. Dana made wood sculptures.
c. Dana is making wood sculptures.
d. Dana was making wood sculptures.

4. Select the sentence that demonstrates future passive voice.
a. The new art club will be announced tomorrow.
b. The art club is meeting every Wednesday.
c. The students will create a mural.
d. The mural was painted by the students.

5. Which sentence correctly describes an action in the past?
a. The cookies are baked by my mom.
b. The cookies were baked by my mom.
c. My mom bakes the cookies.
d. The cookies will be baked by my mom.

Phrasal Verbs and Prefixes

1. What does the phrasal verb "turn up" mean?
a. To decrease in volume
b. To appear
c. To refuse an offer
d. To change direction

2. If someone "turns down" an invitation, they are:
a. Accepting it
b. Ignoring it
c. Refusing it
d. Changing the date

3. The prefix "dis-" in the word "disagree" means:
a. To enhance
b. To reverse the meaning
c. To add to
d. To clarify

4. What does "change into" mean in this context?
a. To remain the same
b. To transform into something different
c. To hide from someone
d. To break apart

5. If someone is "turning to" a friend for help, they are:
a. Ignoring their friend
b. Asking their friend for assistance
c. Leaving their friend
d. Competing with their friend

Prepositions Assessment

1. He was proud _ his team when they won the championship.
a. of
b. with
c. at
d. in

2. I am very dissatisfied _ my performance during the game.
a. in
b. with
c. at
d. for

3. Please be careful _ the sports equipment; it's very expensive.
a. with
b. in
c. on
d. at

4. _ the end of the game, I was very tired.
a. At
b. In
c. On
d. For

5. Some people think Australian football is similar _ soccer, but it isn't.
a. to
b. with
c. of
d. in

Direct Speech Conversion Assessment

1. Kairat said that he was going to buy a new cricket bat. How would this be rewritten in direct speech?
a. Kairat said, "I am going to buy a new cricket bat."
b. Kairat said that he was buying a new cricket bat.
c. Kairat said, "He is going to buy a new cricket bat."
d. Kairat said that he would buy a new cricket bat.

2. They said that they wanted to book tickets for the football match. How would this be rewritten in direct speech?
a. They said, "We want to book tickets for the football match."
b. They said that they wanted to book tickets for football.
c. They said, "They want to book tickets for the football match."
d. They said that they wanted to book the football match tickets.

3. She absolutely loved her new skis. How would this be rewritten in direct speech?
a. She said, "I absolutely love my new skis."
b. She said, "I loved my new skis."
c. She said, "She absolutely loved her new skis."
d. She said that she absolutely loved her new skis.

4. He told us that she would see us after bowling. How would this be rewritten in direct speech?
a. He said, "She will see us after bowling."
b. He told us that she will see us after bowling.
c. He said, "I will see you after bowling."
d. He told us, "She would see us after bowling."

5. Berk said to Saule that he had registered for the wrestling event. How would this be rewritten in direct speech?
a. Berk said to Saule, "I have registered for the wrestling event."
b. Berk told Saule that he registered for wrestling.
c. Berk said to Saule, "He has registered for the wrestling event."
d. Berk told Saule, "I had registered for the wrestling event."

Reporting Verbs

1. “I’m sorry I’m late,” she said. (apologise)
a. She apologised for being late.
b. She agreed for being late.
c. She complained for being late.
d. She suggested for being late.

2. “How about going to the game tonight?” she said. (suggest)
a. She invited going to the game tonight.
b. She suggested to go to the game tonight.
c. She suggested going to the game tonight.
d. She promised to go to the game tonight.

3. “It’s very crowded in here,” he said. (complain)
a. He complained that it is very crowded in here.
b. He complained for being crowded in here.
c. He advised that it is very crowded in here.
d. He suggested that it is very crowded in here.

4. “Would you like to come to the race with us?” he said to Miras. (invite)
a. He ordered Miras to come to the race with them.
b. He invited Miras to come to the race with them.
c. He promised Miras to come to the race with them.
d. He suggested Miras to come to the race with them.

5. “OK! I’ll be there,” he said. (agree)
a. He agreed to be there.
b. He suggested to be there.
c. He invited to be there.
d. He promised to be there.

Phrasal Verbs Assessment

1. What does the phrasal verb "run off" mean?
a. To meet by chance
b. To go away suddenly
c. To chase after
d. To accumulate

2. If someone is "running away with" something, they are:
a. Escaping with it
b. Revising it
c. Hurrying up with it
d. Meeting it

3. The phrase "run into" typically means to:
a. Accumulate problems
b. Face problems unexpectedly
c. Go flat
d. Chase something

4. When batteries "run down," it means they:
a. Have been used up
b. Are being revised
c. Are accumulating charge
d. Are escaping

5. To "run out of" something means to:
a. Have an insufficient amount
b. Chase after it
c. Go away from it
d. Meet it unexpectedly

Word Formation: Adjectives

1. We felt __ on the long journey.
a. boring
b. bored
c. amazement
d. amazes

2. The tour was __.
a. fascinating
b. fascinated
c. interest
d. interests

3. I was __ at the size of the ruined city.
a. surprising
b. surprised
c. surprise
d. surprises

4. The archaeologists were __ by what they found.
a. shocking
b. shocked
c. shock
d. shocks

5. The information the guide gave us was very __.
a. confusing
b. confused
c. confuse
d. confuses

Modal Verbs: May, Must, or Can't

1. A: We live in the countryside. B: It __ be very peaceful.
a. can't
b. may
c. must
d. should

2. A: Is Mr. Adams on holiday? B: I'm not sure. He __ be on a business trip.
a. must
b. may
c. can
d. shouldn't

3. A: Is the house at number 4 for sale again? B: It __ be. That family only moved in a week ago!
a. can't
b. must
c. might
d. may

4. A: It __ be great living on the 14th floor.
B: Well, the view is fantastic — but I hope the lift never breaks down!
a. should
b. could
c. must
d. may

5. A: Is that Damira over there? B: It __ be. She's gone to Almaty with her parents for the weekend.
a. may
b. must
c. can't
d. should

Phrasal Verbs

1. What is the primary purpose of a mind map?
a. To organize and brainstorm ideas
b. To create a timeline of events
c. To write a story
d. To summarize a book

2. What does the phrasal verb "break down" mean in the context of machinery?
a. To escape
b. To stop functioning
c. To enter by force
d. To start a fire

3. Which of the following phrasal verbs means to enter a place illegally?
a. Break out
b. Break into
c. Break away
d. Break through

4. What does it mean to "break through" a barrier?
a. To escape from a situation
b. To force your way through
c. To stop functioning
d. To organize ideas

5. In which situation would you likely use the phrasal verb "break out"?
a. During a fire
b. When planning an event
c. While fixing a car
d. When brainstorming ideas


1. We should help people _ need.
a. for
b. in
c. with
d. about

2. A lot of people live _ poverty.
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. from

3. Thanks _ his determination, they raised £3000 for charity.
a. to
b. of
c. in
d. with

4. He brought the problem _ people’s attention.
a. to
b. in
c. at
d. for

5. She is interested _ learning new languages.
a. in
b. about
c. for
d. with

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