Материалдар / Excel 6 grade unit Our class. Prepositions of Direction and Movement Worksheet
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Excel 6 grade unit Our class. Prepositions of Direction and Movement Worksheet

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Excel 6 grade unit Our class. Prepositions of Direction and Movement Worksheet
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17 Қырқүйек 2024
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Prepositions of Direction and Movement Worksheet

Prepositions of direction and movement help us describe how things move or where they are

located in relation to other objects. Some common prepositions of direction and movement

include: up, down, along, across, into, out of, over, under, through, round, and past. These

words help us create clear and precise descriptions of movement and location in our writing

and speech.

Fill in the blank with the correct words.

1. The cat climbed __ the tree to catch a bird.

2. We walked __ the bridge to get to the other side of the river.

3. The train passed __ the tunnel and emerged on the other side.

4. The children ran __ the stairs when they heard the ice cream truck.

5. The hiker walked __ the mountain path, enjoying the scenic views.

Word bank: across, up, through, down, along

Choose the correct answer from the choices for each question.

1. Which preposition best completes this sentence: "The plane flew __ the clouds"?

a) under b) over c) into d) out of

2. In the sentence "The mouse ran __ the hole," which preposition is most appropriate?

a) across b) along c) into d) past

3. Choose the correct preposition for this sentence: "We drove __ the city on our way to

the beach."

a) over b) under c) through d) round

4. Which preposition fits best in this sentence: "The boat sailed __ the coast"?

a) up b) down c) along d) across

5. Select the most suitable preposition for this sentence: "The ball rolled __ the hill and

into the pond."

a) over b) under c) through d) down

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

1. Write a sentence using the prepositions "over" and "under" to describe the movement

of a squirrel in a park.

2. Describe how you would get from your classroom to the school library using at least

three prepositions of direction or movement.

3. Explain the difference between the prepositions "into" and "out of" and provide an

example sentence for each.

Answer Key:


1. up

2. across

3. through

4. down

5. along


1. b) over

2. c) into

3. c) through

4. c) along

5. d) down

Open Ended Questions (example responses):

1. The squirrel ran over the park bench and under the picnic table while searching for


2. To get from my classroom to the school library, I would walk down the hallway, turn

right to go through the main doors, and then walk across the courtyard to reach the

library building.

3. "Into" means moving from outside to inside something, while "out of" means moving

from inside to outside.

Example sentences:

She stepped into the warm house to escape the cold.

The bird flew out of its cage when the door was left open.

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