Материалдар / “Features of teaching English in the primary school”
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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“Features of teaching English in the primary school”

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Для учителей английского языка в начальной школе
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Features of teaching English in the primary school”

When to start learning English?

Most English teachers believe that learning a language should be started in an elementary school. The fact is that at this age students are already able to perceive a fairly large amount of new knowledge. In addition, children at this age are more receptive to foreign languages, copy adults easily and with pleasure, and are not afraid to make a mistake.
English in an elementary school is not only the process of memorizing vocabulary, reading poetry, singing songs, it is, first, situational speech reproduction. Often, when you try to speak to a child in English within the framework of the language minimum, the student does not understand what is at stake. Telling students that they will need English in the future: work, travel, etc. is useless.
The process of learning a foreign language must remain creative. The teacher should pay special attention to play techniques. Games will ensure a situation of success for each student. For children, the best motivation for learning English will be the enjoyment of the class. In addition, a student who knows English can get a great return from their favorite computer games, understand the instructions for modern technology, find almost any information on the Internet. It is necessary to create a comfortable psychological environment. The teacher needs to understand that he should help the child overcome the language barrier as early as possible and instill in him a love for learning a foreign language.
A teacher in English, lessons in elementary grades should follow these few conditions to get positive results:

1. Careful selection of situations.
2. The participation of everyone in the communication process.
3. Creation of favorable conditions for communication.
4. Novelty.

What if my child doesn't want to study English?
First, you need to kindly talk to the child and find out what exactly caused his reluctance.
There are two main reasons:

1) the child is not interested in studying English and

2) it is difficult for him to study English.

To understand how to teach English in lower secondary school, you need to:
-determine the peculiarities of teaching English to primary school students;
- to study the role of games at the initial stage of teaching English;
- to study the basic methods of teaching English to younger students;
- Analysis of textbooks and books, plans, study of exercises, study of the experience of teachers.
Parents also play an important role in the learning process. In the initial stages of teaching English, they can help not only to consolidate the material of the lessons at home, but also to activate it.
If a child has no interest in the English language, it is necessary to try to interest him with the help of educational cartoons, computer programs, special children's sites for learning English.
If it is difficult for a child to study English, it is imperative to consult with your English teacher. It is the teacher who can suggest how best to learn new words, do homework, and explain grammatical subtleties. There are many things a good professional can do to solve problems

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