Материалдар / Grade 7 SAU 1-2 III-term
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Grade 7 SAU 1-2 III-term

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Оқу мақсаттарына сай БЖБ 1-2 жұмыстары.Дискрипторлары және рубрикалары бар.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
08 Ақпан 2024
2 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
450 тг 405 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Summative assessment for the unit “Entertainment and Media”

Learning objectives

7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.W3 Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.W4 Use with some support style and register appropriate to a limited variety of written genres on general and curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support

  • Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics

  • Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



20 minutes


Task 1

These people are calling friends about the weekend. Are these statements true or false?
Listen and check the correct answer.

1.Penny agrees to go to a movie with Bob True False

2. Anne can’t come to the party. True False
3. Ken invites Nancy to a movie. True False

4. Anne and Mike are going to see a football game. True False

5. Wendy can’t go to Jack’s house. True False


Task 2. Write a short passage about entertainment in your hometown.

These phrases will help you for writing:

There aren't many ways to entertain yourself

There are many things you can do...

I would say that young people...

I wouldn't say that... I think that older people.... .. .and... are very popular because...

Assessment criteria




A learner

Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support.


Circles “True”


Circles “True”


Circles “False”


Circles “False”


Circles “False”


Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics.

Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre.


chooses words that will make the writing clear and interesting to the reader;


uses strong verbs, sensory words,

and precise nouns in places that help create a picture;


provides grammatically correct sentences;


writes with a structure that fits the purpose.


Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Entertainment and Media”

Learner’s name ________________________



Level of learning achievements




Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support.

EShape1 xperiences challenges in identifying facts and details of conversation while listening.

Makes some mistakes in doing True or False task


CShape3 onfidently identifies the facts and details of the conversation. Completes the task correctly.

Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics.

Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre.

EShape4 xperiences challenges in choosing words that help create a note. Writes with insufficient grammar accuracy. Structure of writing is inappropriate. Number of words is limited.

FShape5 eels some troubles in choosing words that help create a note. Writes with some grammar accuracy. Structure of writing is unclear. Number of words is insufficient.

Confidently chooses words that help create a note. Writes with grammar accuracy. Structure of writing is appropriate.

NShape6 umber of words is reasonable.

Summative assessment for the unit “Natural Disasters”

Learning objectives

7.R2 Understand specific information and details in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.S5 Keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

Assessment criteria

  • Identify particular facts and parts in reading passage

  • Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and plans to fulfill the tasks

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Higher order thinking skills


20 minutes


Task 1. Read the text and mark the sentences True or False.

How hurricanes start

Hurricanes are born over tropical oceans, usually during late summer and early autumn. They need two things to get them started: heat and moist air.During the summer the ocean surface heats up and warm moist air starts to rise. Cool air sinks down to replace it. This creates an area of low pressure. The rotation of the earth creates winds around the centre of such a low pressure area. In the northern hemisphere the air moves counterclockwise, in the southern part clockwise. Such a system is called a cyclone.

When warm air rises it cools and creates clouds. Soon, thunderstorms form and it starts to rain.All hurricanes begin as cyclones but not all cyclones become storms or hurricanes. Some die out a few days after they start. They don’t have enough energy to become a hurricane. When winds are stronger than 119km an hour a storm officially becomes a hurricane.

1.Hurricanes are born over tropical oceans during all seasons of the year. True / False

2.Hurricanes need moist air to get them started. True / False

3.When warm air raises it creatures clouds. True / False

4.Its starts to rain when thunderstorms form. True / False

5.All cyclones become storms or hurricanes. True / False

6.Wnen winds are stronger a storm becomes a hurricane. True / False


Task 2. Choose the question and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. You should add your ideas to the class discussion.

Teacher organizes a Socratic seminar which helps teacher to assess learners while they are speaking on the topic ‘Natural Disasters’. Learners are sitting in a circle and answering the question which teacher prepared and cut down beforehand.

These are some rules to this task:

  1. Ask questions if you do not understand what someone has said

  2. You do not need to raise your hand to speak.

  3. Pay attention to your “airtime”.

  4. Don’t interrupt.

  5. Don’t put down the ideas of another learner.


  1. What are possible preventive measures of natural disasters?

  2. What are the most dangerous natural disasters do you know?

  3. What problems do people have after a natural disaster?

  4. Have you ever seen a natural disaster in real life?

  5. What’s the worst natural disaster? Why?

  6. What kind of natural disasters happen in the world nowadays?

Assessment Sheet




Learner uses at least 5 words on ‘Natural Disasters’ topic.

Learner gives a full answer to the question from the card.

Learner asks at least 2 questions.

Learner answers at least 2peers’ questions.

Assessment criteria




A learner

Identify particular facts and parts in reading passage.


writes ‘False’;


writes ‘False’;


writes ‘True’;


writes ‘True’;


writes ‘False’;


writes ‘True’.


Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and plans to fulfill the tasks.


uses at least 5 words on ‘Natural Disasters’ topic;


gives a full answer to the question from the card;


asks at least 2 questions.


answers at least 2 peers’ questions.


Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Natural Disasters”

Learner’s name ________________________



Level of learning achievements




Identify particular facts and parts in the reading passage.

EShape7 xperiences challenges in identifying particular facts and parts in the reading passage.

Makes mistakes in identifying particular facts and parts in the reading passage for True and False statements.

CShape8 onfidently identifies particular facts and parts in the reading passage. Completes the task correctly.


Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and plans to fulfill the tasks.

Experiences challenges in demonstrating rich and vivid vocabulary in talking about the topic. Experiences difficulties in answering the questions. Feels troubles to participate in a group discussion.


Makes mistakes in using rich and vivid vocabulary in talking about the topic. Makes mistakes in answering the questions using some creativity.

Participates in a group discussion.

Confidently demonstrates rich and vivid vocabulary in talking about the topic. Confidently answers the questions. Participates in a group discussion actively.



Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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