Материалдар / «Kazakhstan is full of wonders for youth» essay
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

«Kazakhstan is full of wonders for youth» essay

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Конкурстан орын алған эссе жұмысы. Туған жер Қазақстан туралы керемет эссе
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
02 Мамыр 2024
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«Kazakhstan is full of wonders for youth»

Dear my pen –friend!

Thanks a lot for your last letter. Your last letter was a real surprise. You wrote me about your self, your future plans. Today I want to write you more about myself and about my country.

My name is Zhanylsyn. I live in Kazakhstan. My native town is Uralsk. I’m in the 10 th grade. I’m proud that I was born, grew up and live in such beautiful country. Kazakhstan is full of wonders and surprises. I love my country for strength and beauty, volar and glory, but also for the people living in it, for their intelligence, dedication, hard work, kindness and many other qualities. I’m a student. I study in a secondary school. I have everything: my family, my friends, relatives … I’m looking for something new everyday. In our country there is an opportunity to make dreams come true. That’s why I observe my daily routine.

Since ancient times, Kazakh people attached great importance to the days of the week. Each day has dedicated to a particular occupation or business. And in the modern Kazakhstan Kazakh people still follow these rules and signs. Each day of the week have their own values in our family and in our country.

On Monday we open the door to new pages, new plans, prospects. This 2019 year is considered the year of youth, as future generation of my country I will do my best to flourish my native land. New beginnings have their difficulties, for this I must work hard.

Tuesday is a day of youth. The coming 2019 year by the decree of the Head of State is dedicated to the younger generation of the country. Today, support for young people is becoming a priority of state policy. All conditions are created for the development of science and education, privileges, subsidies and other measures of state support are provided. In turn, they expect active and effective returns from us. We are expected to receive specific initiatives and proposals, in particular, to increase labor productivity and increase jobs. This includes scientific developments in the field of IT-technologies, green energy, agriculture and robotics.

Wednesday as a good day for all undertakings and was considered a day when it was possible to set off. I belive that it is an auspicious day. My friend, if you plan to come to us, сome on Wednesday.

Thursday and Friday is a holy day for us. Friday it is a “Dzhuma”, it’s a holiday for muslims. In this day I help my mother and prepare baursaks. It’s a day of forgiveness and absolution. We are multinational country, that’s why we appreciate other nations culture and tradition. Because we live in one country, we love our faith.

Sunday is a day of sport and health. We pay great attention to sport among young people. We must strive to grow healthy and strong. My friend, Kazakhstan has many medical and wellness places. Kokshetau is a small Switzerland, it is a unique place for those who collect medicinal herbs. This is the best place for rest, self-contemplation, walks. Burabay - a resort known far beyond the borders of Kazakhstan, its famous for hospitals that practice healing with the help of koumiss - horse milk.

Picturesque landscapes, underground sources, historical sights - all this is in Saryagash - one of the most popular sanatorium areas of Kazakhstan. Akzhaiyk , Balhash, Zhanakorgan is a good place to improve our health. That’s why I go in for sport everyday. I play basketball. It’s good for my health.

Our ancestors said on Saturday it is easy to start building and if you plant tree it will be fruitful. It is a day when I can think and make conclusions. I ask myself, who is the smartest, the most talented person in the world? Of course, we are young people. As our head said “It is necessary to create a broad platform of social elevators, which will include a full range of measures to support all categories of young people. I propose to declare next year the Year of Youth. We must begin to modernize the social environment of rural areas. This will be facilitated by the launch of a special project “Aul - El Besigi”. Through this project we will have to promote the ideology of labor in the regions.” We have many hopes, honest and energetic plans and their implementation, bright ideas, the ability to achieve goals. The task of the older generation is to help young people to determine their worthy place in this difficult world, to realize themselves , to be confident in their abilities in the future in their land, in the region, in every country.

My friend, follow your daily routine! If you want something very strongly it will come true. Please, write back soon! Have a nice day!

With best wishes, Zhanylsyn.

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