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2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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по подготовке учащихся 9 классов

к МОДО по английскому языку


2023 – 2024 учебный год

Класс: 9


План подготовки к МОДО учащихся 9 классов

2023-2024 учебный год




Изучить документы Министерства

образования по правилам организации и проведения МОДО.



Разработать планы подготовки к МОДО по предметам (английский язык)



Создание базы данных контингента учащихся 9 класса.




Формирование банка тестовых заданий и измерителей для проверки стандартов усвоения предметов.


в течение учебного года


Учить учащихся правильному заполнению карты ответов и умению рационально использовать время на МОДО.

в течение учебного года


Проведение пробных тестирований на базе школы по предметам

по графику


Проводить анализ итогов тестирования по предметам

в течение учебного года


Итоги комплексного тестирования по предметам доводить до сведения родителей.

в течение учебного года


Вести еженедельный мониторинг по результатам тестирований (в разрезе каждого предмета)

в течение учебного года


Взять на особый контроль учащихся с низкими результатами тестирования.

в течение учебного года


При изучении темы уроков выделять задания, часто встречающиеся в тестах.

в течение учебного года

Общая характеристика работы

Цель: создание условий для формирования ключевых образовательных компетенций (учебно-познавательных, информационных, коммуникативных, компетенций личностного развития); качественно подготовить учащихся 9-х классов к МОДО.


  • формирование познавательного интереса к изучению английского языка;

  • развитие навыков применения полученных знаний в новых учебных ситуациях;

  • развитие логического мышления, умения анализировать и систематизировать

полученные знания;

  • развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и умений поиска и обработки информации;

  • вести работу по отслеживанию качества знаний учащихся по итогам пробных МОДО с поэлементным анализом и выработкой рекомендаций для каждого ученика


  • отобрать содержание и объем программного материала, эффективные формы работы, 

технологии организации процесса обучения при подготовке к МОДО;

  • усилить связь с родительской общественностью.

Планируемые результаты:

Занятия должны помочь учащимся:

  • усвоить основные базовые знания; ключевые понятия;

  • овладеть способами исследовательской деятельности;

  • формировать творческое, критическое и логическое мышление;

  • способствовать развитию широких познавательных интересов;

  • развитию способностей к самостоятельному приобретению знаний и

исследовательской работе;

  • способствовать развитию способности к самопознанию;

  • способствовать улучшению качества решения задач различного уровня

сложности учащимися; успешному прохождению МОДО.

График проведения консультаций по английскому языку

по подготовке к МОДО

График консультаций



День недели


Английский язык


Тематическое планирование консультаций

по подготовке учащихся 9 классов к МОДО

по английскому языку

2023-2024 уч. год

Тема зантия



Looking for a Job




The Joy and Enthusiasm of Reading


Maxim’s – A Great Restaurant




Charlie Chaplin


Chinese Food – What a Way to Cook!


Sports and Games in Kazakhstan


The Newspaper Article


The letter


The Worth of Wealth


Hunting for Treasure


3D Printing: the Future of Food Production




Sylvia Earle

Список учащихся 9 класса

Ф.И. ученика

Maxim’s – A great Restaurant

One of the world’s great restaurants is Maxim’s, on the Rue Royale in Paris. From the street, you see only typical Parisian building and the famous red awning that says ‘Maxim’s’. But when you walk inside, you know immediately that this a restaurant devoted to luxury. The light isn’t very bright , so it takes a few minutes to see the lovely gold mirrors, the paintings of famous customers, the white tablecloths, the red velvet seats … and the beautifully-dressed men and women who go there. If you look carefully, you see that many of these men and women have familiar faces. Maxim’s is a favorite eating place of the world’s celebrities.

But the rich and famous didn’t always eat at Maxim’s .The restaurant opened in the 1890’s and enjoyed several years of success. But after World War One, it became less popular and well-known people looked for other places to eat. In 1931 a man named Vaudadel bought Maxim’s. Mr. Vaudadel was a clever businessman, and he hired Albert Blaser as the maître d’hotel (head waiter).

Albert , who was very arrogant, loved his job because he had to decide where people would sit and when they would get their tables. And he very much enjoyed making famous customers wait a little while from time to time. One customer said: ‘That man is incredible. He is bigger snob than any of the snobs who eat here.’ And this , of course, what the reason for his great success.

1. Albert was …

- a famous scientist

- an excellent tailor

- an artist

-a head waiter

- a clever businessman

2. The main idea of the text is …

-to create new places for entertainment

- to get to know one of the world’s great restaurant

- to buy an incredible big restaurant

- to introduce with the richest restaurant all over the world

-to work hard at new project.

3.The Customer said about Albert that …

- he is intelligent

-he is a great person

- he is a bigger snob

- he is hardworking

-he is arrogant

4. In the text ‘snob’ means

- a person who loves Motherland

- a handsome man

- a poor person

- a very sensitive person

- a person who claims to be highly intelligent

5. From the text we can know who eats there

- rich people

- famous customers


- the worlds celebrities

- poor people

6. True statement

- He didn’t enjoy his job

- The customer said that he wasn’t a bigger snob

- The White tablecloths are soiled

- The restaurant’s light isn’t very bright

- Albert didn’t love his job

7. Where is Maxim’s

- in China

- in England

- In Italy

- in Africa

- in Paris

8. The restaurant is considered luxurious because of

- beautiful roomspopular actors

- rich service

- the beautifully-dressed men and women

- wonderful place of relaxing

- beautiful rooms

9 .According to the text we have known that

- a restaurant devoted to luxury

- event is set in America

- Albert was very shy person

- the events of the story are full of happiness

- The restaurant opened in the 1772’s

10. It opened

- in the 1800’s

- in the 1931’s

- in the 1940’s

- in the 1895’s

- in the 1890’s


The plane crashed on the tenth of May. 1954. It had been bound for the Azores but missed the airport o Santa Maria in the fog. I woke by the side of a green and blue mountain lake, and immediately thought, “ The banana must have been wrecked’ I then went back in to my coma.

It is true I had nearly taken a banana boat for the west Indies which called in at the Azores , but had been gradually dissuaded by my friend, after we had taken several looks at the Lascars, Danes, and Irish lolling round the East India Docks. And so, although I by plane, still in my dream it was had finally taken the expensive Lisbon route by plane, still in my dreams it was the banana boat.

When I came round the second time it was in Robinson’s house. I was lying on a mattress on the floor, and as I moved I felt my shoulder hurting very painfully. I could see, facing me through the misty sunlight of a partly open door, a corner of the blue and green Lake. We seemed to be quite high on the side of a mountain.

I could hear someone moving in an inner room to my left. In a few moments I heard the voices of two men.

I say! I called out. The voices stopped . Then one murmured something.

Presently a door opened at my left. I tried to twist round, but this was painful, and waited while a man entered the room and came to face me.

Where am I ?”

Robinson” he said

Where? “


He was short and square, with a brown face and greyish curly hair.

Robinson” he repeated, “ In the North Atlantic Ocean. How do you feel?”

Who are you ?”


I think I must be suffering from concussion.” I said.

He said ,” I’m glad you think so, because it is true. To know you have concussion, when you have it, is one-third of the cure. I see you are intelligent.”

On hearing this I decided that I liked Robinson, and settled down to sleep. He shook me awake and placed at my a mug of warm tangy milk.

While I gulped it, he said.

Sleep is another third of the cure and nourishment is the remaining third “

My shoulder hurts, “ I said

Which shoulder ?”

I touched my left shoulder. I found it stuff with bandages.

Which shoulder ? “ he said

This one,” I said , “ it is bound up “

Which shoulder? Don’t point. Think. Describe.”

That’s true. You will soon recover.”

A little fluffy blue-grey cat came and sat in the open door-way, squinting at me as Iagain it was dark and I was frightened.

1. The narrator lost consciousness

- never

- many times

- twice

- once

- three times

2.” I say!” means that :

- the narrator is unable to finish the sentence

- the narrator is scared

- the narrator wants to talk

- the narrator is in pain

- the narrator wants to attract someone’s attention

3.Which of the following faculties did the narrator quickly regain?

- sense of hearing

- memory of recent events

- sense of sight …

- use of coherent speech …

4. One of the reason for taking the banana boat was

- it was a great dream

- it was a nice thing to row

- it was adventurous

- it was cheaper

- there were no planes bound for right destination

5. The narrator is suffered from

- insomnia

- hunger

- fear

- stress

- concussion

6. The second question in italics shows that

- the narrator loves the life

- the narrator doesn’t feel like answering Robinson’s question

- the narrator thinks Robinson has misunderstand

- the narrator finds it hard to understand Robinson when he speaks

- the narrator thinks much about himself

7. Robinson is

- the name of a house

- the name of a village

- the name of a man

- the name of the animal

- the name of an island

8. The story is set in

- none of the above

- Portugal

- Santa Maria

- Madagascar

- the West Indies

9. The narrator

- will remain permanently crippled

- escapes with minor injuries

- is fatally injured

- knows that her mental faculties will be partially impaired

10. The first question in italics shows that

- the narrator has never heard the name before

- the narrator thinks Robinson is hard of hearing

- the narrator is hard of hearing

- the narrator wanted to be heard

- the narrator is confused

Charlie Chaplin

He was believed to have been born on April 16, 1889. There is some doubt whether April 16 is actually his birthday, and it is possible he was not born in 1889. There is also uncertainty about his birthplace: London or Fontainebleau, France. There is no doubt, however, as to his parentage: he was born to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette Hill (aka Lily Harley on stage), both Music Hall entertainers. His parents separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his unstable mother.

In 1896, Chaplin's mother was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother Sydney Chaplin had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and was eventually admitted temporarily to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon (near Croydon). She died in 1928 in the United States, two years after coming to the States to live with Chaplin, by then a commercial success.

Charlie first took to the stage when, aged five, he performed in Music Hall in 1894, standing in for his mother. As a child, he had to be in bed for weeks due to a serious illness. In 1900, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in 'Jim, A Romance of Cockayne', followed by his first regular job, as the newspaper boy Billy in Sherlock Holmes, a part he played into 1906. This was followed by Casey's 'Court Circus' variety show, and, the following year, he became a clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun Factory' slapstick comedy company.

1. According to the writer

A) Charlie Chaplin was exactly born on April 16, 1889

B) Charlie Chaplin’s birthday isn’t on April 16, 1889

C) People don’t know for sure his birthplace<

Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!