Материалдар / тест жинақтары
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

тест жинақтары

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
1. Complete the idiom with suitable key word. I cannot do that job as well, I’ve got enough on my ________ as it is. Plate 2. Match the idiom with its meaning. You are a pain in the neсk. A difficult person 3. Find the antonym: Alice met him at a party and they made friends. Parted with 4. Replace underlined word with its opposite.She is always obedient. Disobedient 5. Change the words in brackets with an appropriate one. This film been very (produced a lot) in recent years. Productive 6. Match the abbreviation with its meaning. PTO Please turn over 7. Find negative adjective which fits the following definition. Means unable to read or write - illiterate 8. Choose the correct from of the verb to complete the sentence. I can’t believe it. Inspector. You mean that Smith _____ money from the till all this time? Has been stealing
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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770 тг 693 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

  1. Complete the idiom with suitable key word. I cannot do that job as well, I’ve got enough on my ________ as it is. Plate

  2. Match the idiom with its meaning. You are a pain in the neсk. A difficult person

  3. Find the antonym: Alice met him at a party and they made friends. Parted with

  4. Replace underlined word with its opposite.She is always obedient. Disobedient

  5. Change the words in brackets with an appropriate one. This film been very (produced a lot) in recent years. Productive

  6. Match the abbreviation with its meaning. PTO Please turn over

  7. Find negative adjective which fits the following definition. Means unable to read or write - illiterate

  8. Choose the correct from of the verb to complete the sentence. I can’t believe it. Inspector. You mean that Smith _____ money from the till all this time? Has been stealing

  9. Choose the correct answer. Jack hurt his arm__________ volleyball. Playing

  10. Choose the most appropriate order for adjectives. There was a ___________ rug on the floor. Wonderful, soft, woolen

  11. Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition. I generally get salary_____________ the fifth of the month. On

  12. Choose the form of the verb to complete the sentence. A new route__________ between Moscow and Paris. Has been created

13 Choose an appropriate article.

Are you talking now about…John Smith who led..Labour party?

A -/ the

14 Complete the sentences with an appropriate reported verb.

I…Ann that we were free on Thursday evening.

  1. checked with

15 Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence.

I’m planning to buy a new car’

E. Jan told me that he was planning to buy a new car

16.Match the number with its writing:28.5

A.Twenty eight point five

17. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.

We dresses…. In your family?

C. the most stylishly

18. The correct reading of ‘2,235’

E. two thousands two hundred and thirty-five

19. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective. He doesn’t play golf now…he used to.

C. as much as

20. Choose the correct sentences

D. Their husbands’ names are Nick and David

21.Correct the sentences with an appropriate pronoun. You ought to be ashamed of – yourself

22.Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective. I’m afraid the box is ….. to carry – too heavy

23.Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun. I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes ….. nervous- me

24. Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun. We visited the village …. my mum was born – where

25.Choose the correct answer. I don’t like rats, and you? – Neither do I

26.Complete the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 my saw with Bill car he new when green was envy - 8 4 2 1 7 5 6 10 9 3 11 (When Bill saw my new car he was green with envy)

27.Find the correct sentence with for - to-infinitive phrase – It was necessary for him to return immediately

28. Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form. If the water is boiling, it means the food …. nearly ready- is

29. Complete the sentence with an appropriate prepositions. I never argue …. my husband … money – With/ about

30.Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence. Was it really necessary? You … … … tell the police, you know- didn’t need to

31.Find a participial construction sentence from the list below. -Realizing there was no one at home. I left the parcel in the shed

32.Choose the correct from of the verb to complete the sentence. Experts predict that in the future , electricity_______ to power most cars. -will be used

33. Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposion. You mustn’t look directly__________ the sun during the eclipse. – at

34. Choose the correct form of the verb complete the sentence. My sister____ a motorcycle and sidecar. -used to own

35. Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb. It is ____ all staff that they should be at work by 8.30 -required of

36. Choose the correct answer. I don’t approve of them_______ late. – being

37.Complate the sentence with an appropriate conditional form. You__________ the weekend if you had come with us. - would have enjoyed

38. Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form. That girl will get into trouble if she _______ her uniform. -doesn’t wear

39.Choose the appropriate reported speech sentence. John left here an hour ago. -She told me that John had left there an hour before

40. Complete the sentence with an appropriate verb. She ______ me that she would be home late. -mentioned to.

  1. Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition. Don't laugh …. my work. I am doing my best. - At

  2. Choose the correct answer. Look at that …. window. -broken

  3. Choose the verb which is followed by both the Gerund and the Infinitive. - start

  4. Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence. I was so tired, I ….slept for a week - could have

  5. Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence. You are right …, but I am still not convinced - may be

  6. Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition. Because she had to go … home, she couldn't only stay for two week - back

  7. Find the sentence with the Gerundial construction

- He admitted sorry to keep you waiting for a long

  1. Choose an appropriate article.... unreasonable decision - an

  2. Replace underlined verb with suitable one in the following sentence. She bet that Peter wouldn't be on time -predicted

  3. Find the sentence with the Complex Object -We knew him to be very brave

  4. Find words which are differently pronounced in this group D) sold -E)cost

  5. Choose the correct sentences following the rules of Sequence of Tenses

A)Harris said he knew what kind of place I meant

C) He said that Jack had told her that he was writing a play

E) I thought he would tell her that he intended to go to the Crimea

G) We knew that he plays tennis well

H) He asked what time the train usually starts

  1. Choose verbs after which Infinitive with to is followed by

A) aim C) prepare

B) refuse E) manage

  1. Sentence with possessive pronouns

A) These are my books

C) Thouse are our relatives

E) They are not mine

F) It's your dog

  1. We can use in Reported Speech the verbs

B) wonder E)want to know

C) warn G) say


  1. Choose appropriate variants to read a formula 2x+3y-z=

A) Two x plus three y minus z equals three z divided by four x

D) Two x plus three y minus z equals three z over four x

  1. Indirect Speech

B) He said that he had toothache

C) They told everyone that they had lied

D) They said they would do it the next day

F) He told police that he had made a balloon

  1. Choose the sentence with Gerund

B) They are interested in learning foreign languages

C) He is interested in learning foreign languages

D) I'm interested in learning foreign languages

  1. Choose sentences with the action of the object clause precedes the action in the principal clause

E) She claimed that she had met Monty on her way home

F) She seemed to have forgotten what had happened a few minutes before

G) He said that it had been raining

H) It was also remoured that Dan had got married

60. Choose verb after which Gerund is followed by

B) insist

D) enjoy



61. 004 The Case for the Defense It was the strangest murder trail I have ever attended. They named it the Reckham murder in the headlines, although Notrthwood Street, where Mrs. Parker was found murdered, was not actually in Reckham. The prisoner was a well-built man with bloodshot eyes. An ugly man, one you would`t forget in a hurry-and that was an important point. The prosecution intended to call four witnesses who hadn`t forqotten him and who had seen him hurrying away from the little red house in Northwood Street. At two o`clock in themorning Mrs. Salmon, who lived at 15 Northwood Street had been unable to sleep. She heard a door shut and so she went to the window and saw adams on the stepts of a victim`s house . He had just come out and he was wearning gloves. Before he moved away, he had looked up-at her window. Henry MacDougall, who had been driving home late, nearly run over Adams at the cornerof Northwood Street because he was walking in the middle of the road, lookung dazed. And old Mr. Wheeler , who lived next door to Mrs. Parker, at number 12, and was woken up by a noise and got up and looked out of the window, just as Mrs Salmon had done, saw Adam`s back and, as he turned, those bloodshot eyes. In Laurel Avenue he had been seen by yet another witness. (By Graham Green)

1) Where did the murder take place?

C. in Northwood Street

4) Why did the prosecution intend to call the witnesses of the case?

A. They hadn`t forgotten the murderer

5) How do you think an accused might be punished for crime?

B. through death penalty

62. 006 Disastrous Journey! This happened a few years ago.I live in Alicante, in Spain and my husband and I had rented a house in Galicia for the summer holidays. We were going to first driver to Tarragona, to stay for a few days with some friends,and than driver from Tarragona to Galicia. The first part of journey was fine. We were using our new satnav for the first time6 and it took us right to the door of our friends house. Three days later, when we continued our journey we put in the name of the small town in Galicia, Nigran, which was our final destination. We started off, obediently following the instructions, but after a while we realized that instead of driving west towards Ileida, we were going north. In fact, soon we were quite near Andora. I was sure we were going to the wrong direction, but my husbend wanted to do what the satnav was telling us – it was his new toy! It was only when we started seeing mountains that even he admitted this couldn`t be the right way. So we stopped, got out an old map, and then turned round! We had wasted nearly two hours going in the wrong direction. It was an awful journey because as wellasgetting lost, when we were nearly at our destination we had another problem. We stopped for a coffee at a little bar, but as soon as we got back into the motorway we realized that we had left our dog under the table in the cafe! For the second time that day we had to turn round and go back. Luckily, the dog was stikk there! However, although the beginning of our trip was a disaster, we had a wonderful holiday!

1) What was the route of their journey?

C. from Galicia to Tarragona

2)What fact proves that the first part of the journey was fine?

B. the satnav took them to the door of their friends

3)What happened to them on the way to the final destination?

D. following the instructions they had lost their way

4) Why did she say that the satnav was his new toy?

A because her husband wanted to follow its instructions

5) What was the other problem they had during the journey?

B. they had left their dog in the cafe

63.Complete the sentence with appropriate phrasal verb. I think the strikes will .... some changes in management

A bring about

64. Find the opposite of the underlined word Smoking is permitted in this part of the cinema

D forbidden

65 Antonym of the given word. The tourists stood outside the palace admiring its beautiful sight

E inside

66. Change the underlined word with an appropriate compound noun. Take your things to the cash – desk to pay for them

C check – out

67. Change the underlined word with an appropriate adjective. I found the book very easy and pleasant to read.

B interesting

68. Choose an appropriate ending for an adjective `warm-`

E hearted

69. Choose an appropriate ending for an adjective `good - `

D tempered

70. Complete the sentence with an appropriate condition form. We … …. … the hotel if we hadn`t seen the signpost.

E. would have found

71.Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence. The first bicycles …… in the 1800 in Europe

B. were introduced

72. Complete the sentence with an appropriation. The overnight rise….. Wall Street was not maintained

B. on

73. Choose the most appropriate order for adjectives. Have you seen this …. Invention.

C. fantastic, new, German

74. Choose an appropriate article. We are going to…. barbecue with … Simpsons.

C. a/the

75. Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence. 123456 my fell Jim completely story for

C. 342615

76. Match the sentence with its correct conditional form. If I had known about the job I would have applied

A. third conditional

77.Choose an appropriate article. In general, I like … dogs, but I don`t like …. dogs that live next door to me.

E. -/the

78. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective. A motorbike is … a scooter.

E. more powerful than

79. Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun. He`s the actor …. Daughter is in the class.

E. whose

80. Match the number with its writing 10.3

E ten point three

81. ‘495’ Choose the right sentence

B four hundred and ninety five

82. Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun. I’ve lost ______ earring last week. B.my

83.Complate the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective. Andrew came round to my flat _____ he could. E.as quickly as

84. Find a vulgar fraction 7/9 b.seven ninth

85.Complate the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective. He drives _____ carefully thahis girlfriend. C. more

86. Match the number with its writing 2 3/ 4 C.two and three fourth

87. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective. She was_____ ashamed to admit her mistake. C. too

88. Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions. He apologized______ policeman______ driving fast. E. to/for

89.Find the correct sentence with for-to-infinitive phrase. C. It’s very important for children to play outdoors.

90.Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence. Why did you dump your girlfriend. D. My friend asked me why I had dumped my girlfriend

91.Complate the sentence with suitable verb form the list. We carried on _____ until we finished. E. working

92. Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence. We ______ taken a taxi when it rained. D. should have

93.Find a participial construction sentence from the list below. C. Waving their scarves and shouting the funs run into the pitch

94.Complate the sentence with one word. Did she _____you what happened? B. tell

95.Complate the sentence with one word. Don’t just stand there_____ something. E.Say

96. Find the sentence with the Complex Object. C. I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.

97. Choose an appropriate article. John sat down on ______ bench nearest to the monument. E. The

98.Complate the sentence with an appropriate word. She was on stage______ performance. B. the whole

99.Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word. He is thought ______ a very good singer. D. to be

100.Complate the sentence with suitable verb from from the list. It’s important for me___time with any family. D. to spend

101. Choose an appropriate article. There is …. Dr. Kenneth Perch on… phone


102. Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 your matter none business is this of

E) 6 2 5 3 7 1 4

103. preposition The castle was built …. The fourteenth century


104. reported verb

We .. receive to receive the machine parts today

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